Have just bought a lovely shiny virago trike. She seems to have a wee problem though. The steering is unbelievably heavy. To the point that when you turn her lock to lock, you are lifting the front end up in the centre, and dropping it down towards lock. She has a 19" wheel on the front. Would a smaller, say 17" wheel sort this out?? Advice much appriciated!! Ta! xxxxxx
Sounds like the rake is too much dropping to a smaller wheel may solve it but it's a suck it and see thing! It'll go great in the straight as it is but at higher speeds you'll possably be fighting it to go round corners if it is the rake/trail angles!
RustyKnight In: Newton Aycliffe
Posts: 2462
VFR is it just me or does it have a lean to the right? When you look at the photo from the back the exhausts look parallel with the rear axle but not at right angles to the bike! If it's leaning that would make the steering heavier and cause front end instability as the tyre tries to fight with the inclination to steer to the right!
I might be talking bollocks but it deffo doesn't look like it's sitting as it should, maybe just a camera angle thing but if not it's worth parking it on level ground and having a good look
If it's shaking it's head then it sounds more like not enough rake, there is a site on the net that explains about rake and trail and what effects it has (you may just leave it alone and put either 1 or 2 steering dampers on it!) Most the problem with trike steering is it works differently to how the original bikes steering was designed. unfortunatelt there is no either quick or cheap way of solving it! You could try seeking out a local trike builder for a bit of "professional advice"
needs more rake meaning the front Axel needs to be further forwards in front of line of head stock !
can be done by putting ajustable yokes on or by fitting a pair of leading link forks on see link http://www.unitsidecars.co.uk/forks...tml not cheap way of sorting it but it will work.
only other way would be to grow yeh muscles lass
well vfr i would say if its a standard bike with just a trike conversion i am not surprised the steering is heavy. it usually means you are going into the bends too fast!
leading links will solve it and i believe adjustable yokes would as well.
i had the same problem with the yam xj750 trike - it was either change the forks - build some muscles - or sell it - now i have the xv yam xv750 - perfect :-)
Hi vfr
What you are experiancing there are 2 different problems typical of trike conversions where the original bike was a custom cruiser, too much rake & trail in the front end is causing the flopping from side to side just as it does on the stock bike only you notice it now as you cant lean
The head shaking is caused by the stock rounded bike tyre trying to do what its designed to do IE: lean from side to side, a square section sidecar type tyre will stop this but it will make the steering heavier
Jacking the rear end up a little &/or droping the forks through the yokes will both reduce the trail & alter the steering, but wether it will be an improvement from what you have now is down to trial & error, both will stiffen the steering
A steering damper will not solve the problem only mask the results of too much rake but may a usefull addition if all else fails