yeh yid, done it last 2 years, last few ive had stoner ,pedrosa and rea all got trashed n binned aaaaaaaaaagh, came 210000i think lol. got same dudes on this year ....cant get any worse [guys on different bikes ex ped..]
plus taking chance with first gal on B.S.B ,,, MMMM?? we`ll see how she gets on
will do a private league for a laugh [who gets tyre or bike prize??]
dont think it's necessary for 2 identical topics :-)
Gonna merge the 2 in the database. Please try to avoid starting new topics when one already exists, its a ball ache to fix
nice one Mark Yep, I'll be at Donington too - maybe give my guys some advice if they aint doing so well . Will also be at Brands for the BSB round cheering on Jen
Come on troops, get your teams picked, if you're unsure who to pick you can select a lucky dip team, remember it's just for a bit of fun between us. It also makes watching the races more interesting as you are watching how your team is performing as well as watching for replacements come transfer time!
Just a wee bump, got my team down and joined BM fantasy -private- league. looks as if i`m in for stiff competition with rest of gang.
racing starts tomorrow still not too late to enter .[ i think]
remember its free but you can still win a new bike[or tyres for game round]
Get in there ,whats to lose?