hello, just registered & thought i'd put up a post to say hi not quite sure what it's all about yet but i've been browsing & it seems a freindly site
look forward to chatting to you all soon
Speak for yourselves, I'm not crazy...
...Kate!!! when you've unbuckled your white jacket will ya giz a hand with mine please?
Hi scooby doo *waves*
Hey Scooby Doo x Where are you????????
Hilda here x I'm fairly new to the site too! they're a really great bunch! hope you enjoy the site Scooby x
piglet puff cakes sound really yummie lcotgrave, where can I get sum??? yum, yum xx
What no scooby snacks just you wait till i get out of this straight jacket i'll i'll i'll .................go & order curry
Thanks for the welcome everybody its good to be here & not what i expected at all i'm enjoying it already
not quite sure what i expected witchiest but nicely surprised by the laid back attitude x
sorry to tell you i keep the little fella with me at all times storm