Tooth is giving grief.....phoned the dentist earlier, can see me next Friday at the earliest!!
Any ideas for relief that works would be fully appreciated!.....
These suggestions were found on the net, may work, may not. I hope you get relief from one of them.
Clove oil applied to the tooth relives pain and removes any kind of infection (allegedly)
Garlic clove applied to the tooth, relieves pain, (allegedly) - probably too distracted by the stink to feel the pain lol, and gets rid of friends.
Alcohol applied to the tooth is supposed to work but if it don't, just keep drinking you'll be too drunk to feel anything.
My suggestion, try your local pharmacist, see if he /she has any suggestions.
How bad is your toothache?? Your dentist is obliged to see you as an emergency patient, if you can't eat,sleep etc, with the pain!! Phone them again and insist you need to be seen. Alternatively, ring "crown House" in Kiddi ( same building as post office). The Dental access centre is located opposite Marks and Spencers, I haven't got the number at the mo, but if you have no joy, e-mail me and I will get you an appointment. In the meantime... bathe your tooth in cold water, and take two paracetamols and two nurofens together, you won't overdose, as they work independently
You have my sympathy toothache is bloody awful. Littlechicks right your dentist is supposed to have emergency slots and should fit you in before the weekend, but failing that I'd go with Sandi's suggestion-
*Alcohol applied to the tooth is supposed to work but if it don't, just keep drinking you'll be too drunk to feel anything.
COLD water? really? you wouldn't get me putting owt cold on any painful tooth of mine.
Re: the emergency appointment that's what I thought, but as it takes 2 hours on the phone with four different medical professionals to finally realise I can't get a doctor to visit me and I have to make me own way to hospital I assumed that dentists didn't do emergency appts either these days.
if it's an abcess, nothing will alleviate the pain, apart from cold water and maybe to a certain extent the painkillers. Extreme dental pain is the result of neglect , the offending tooth, needs to be extracted or root treated.. depending on whether you are private or NHS, the cost will be £200 NHS or £800 + privately . Root treatment has no guarantees, your immune system has a lot to contribute to the outcome, down to you Yet.... If you want to save your teeth, I have advised you..... I can do nothing more
I have had a back tooth snap in half, I know I will eventually lose it but I hate dentists so will go when it's painful
It's not just a phobia for me, I had a dentist pull out one of my teeth when I was 13 ... That was when they found out that the local anaesthetic that they used didn't work on me... After I had punched the dentist trying to extract the tooth and him telling me not to be so silly, my pain was all in my mind, he had injected enough in to me to numb an elephant!
I'm glad your extraction went OK at the dental hospital, bandit lover but I had a tooth that had split extracted at the Bristol Dental Hospital when I was a student in that part of the world. The trouble was that it was done by a dental student and he managed to drop the filling in the socket. That gave me a lot of pain until it worked its way out through the clot. I've been wary of dental hospitals for emergencies since.
When I have had a swelling from an abscess on a couple of occasions, the dentist gave me a course of antibiotics before attacking the tooth. That also provides pain relief. I hope someone's done something about yours, Dave.
The trouble with giving antibiotics for a tooth abcess,is that yes they take away the pain and rid you of the infection,but....if you then don't go on to have the tooth extracted,because the pain has disappeared, the infection will return,usually when you are "low",have a cold,stressed ,on your birthday,at christmas,I guarantee at very inconvenient times, also as you have had one course of antibiotics , another course will be less effective and you will be left in pain and having to face a painful extraction. I've seen it a million times!! Also, why leave a tooth until it hurts?? if it's broken,get it seen to before needing antibiotics/extraction etc. You'll only end up in my chair on Christmas Day lol ( I don't do it anymore,couldn't stand the sight of blood!! )
Bandit Lover 'Free' that's increadible - my denist is great but they start charging as soon as you walk through the door . Got to do it though because I would hate not have my own teeth .
Bandit lover was, in all probability being practised on...... you can't really charge for that. Doing an extraction on a little lady with bone that "gives" is a different story to attempting to extract a tooth on a bloke built like a brick outhouse, if they walk in like Rambo, you know you're in for trouble, I have to get my size 10's out and pray!!!