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Jokes, Games & Silly Things

The Chav's Prayer

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The Chav's Prayer

 Posts: 4       Pages: 1/1

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THE CHAVS PRAYER,... Our Father who art in prison, even Mum knows not his name, thy chavdom come, you'll read The Sun, in Exmouth which is in Devon, give us this day our Welfare bread and forgive us our ASBO's as we happy slap those who got ASBO's against us, lead us not into employment but deliver us free housing, for thine is the Chavdom, the Burberry and the Bacardi, forever and ever... Innit

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Karey @ 16/06/2011 10:16  

Thats brilliant Karey. Certainly made me smile

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gixergal @ 16/06/2011 21:44  

Kaz, behave it hurts when I laugh.

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Sandi @ 18/06/2011 06:59  

nice one Kaz. Very funny. What's a 'chav'?????

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bandit lover @ 18/06/2011 11:54  

 Posts: 4       Pages: 1/1

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