Last year I changed my bike insurers, from Carole Gash to ebike insurance.
Carole Nash quoted me £133.45
ebike quoted me £94.50 for exact same cover, a saving of £38.45
I've just received my renewal document from ebike
Good news - includes a 5% discount for being a renewal customer
Good news - £11.81 cheaper than last year - £82.69
Bad news - cheaper cos it doesn't include breakdown or homestart cover
Bad news - breakdown and homestart cover is an extra £39.90, reason for this, according to ebike 'following customer feedback UK breakdown is no longer included as part of your policy benefits'
What customer feedback? I certainly wasn't asked when they did their customer survey, IF they did one. Why would anyone NOT want breakdown and homestart cover??
Good news - my bike is on a SORN so I don't need the extra cover, chuffing good thing I don't at THAT price!
Good news - I don't have to pay owt as my son is paying it for me as my birthday pressie, aww bless
So much for ebike being heaps cheaper when you first ask for a quote, turns out they're as bad as the other companies when it comes to their next quote.
Moral to story? It pays to shop around...
Maybe one day all insurance companies will get the message that all we want is a reasonable quote and not to be ripped off? Duck!! there's a pig flying overhead.
Rant over! (It's safe to come out now)
Try express insurance. I found them better than everybody else. Before i had my VL1500 Iwas paying £800 TPFT for my blade. I moved 3 miles and it went to £350 full comp. They were better by a £100 than anyone else.
Cheers rattler, I won't be needing another quote til next year now but I'll be doing my usual shop-around. I think they're all the same really, if they quote low on your first one the year after the price shoots up.
Everyone who says they're old ends up being YOUNGER than ME lol @ you being old but still cheap
I'm hoping when (more like IF) I pass my test the insurance will be cheaper, and maybe I'll get it cheaper next year when I'm, I can't bring meself to say it