I have never asked for much out of life.
Enough money to keep a roof over my head and pay my bills
See my kids happy
Ride my bike
Play and walk with my dogs
Listen to my music as loud and as often as i want
Drink as much beer as i want to with having a hangover
See my friends
But God all i want to do now is clean my bike and it is always f***n raining.
Even my 2 dogs are showing signs of mild depression
I want to fix a hole in the roof to stop the rain coming in. But I don't want to go up a ladder in the wet. So the rain comes in.
I want to fix a hole in the roof to stop the rain coming in. But I don't want to go up a ladder in the wet. So the rain comes in.
(repeat again and again and again....)
I want to clean my bike,
but this rain it wont stop falling,
i'm worried about my machine,
her state is simply appalling.
Theres muck all up the engine,
Chain crud covers the back wheel,
But she'll stay like that for now,
Coz this weathers just unreal.
A dry day is what I need,
To bring back her true shine,
Soon this rain will stop,
Then its full on polish time.
finished with my hubby coz he wouldnt help me clean my bike sometimes i think im insane and then i realise im alright.... can you help me ................heavy head banging to follow
i do have a leak from my guttering and my room is getting wetter it must stop soooooooooooooon please please please
soon soon andthen we can smile in the sun tra la la a ;a aa a'a a;a aaa,df,v, enough already
what I mean is I totally agree it has gone on for far too long
here come the sun dobbie doobie, here come the sun... and i say... its alright ddoo do di doo dooo di doodii diid id dd little darlin its been a long long lonely winter diooo doo doooo ahhhhhh
I managed to clean my bike last night adn really pleased with how it looks now, even T cut the paint work just a touch more to do on the chrome tonight. Trouble is now its too clean to want to take it out.
Actually got out for a ride tonight without needing waterproofs, all the way to the Scotch Piper (local bike watering-hole). Leak in roof still not repaired, bike not cleaned...hey ho, who cares?
LC last night was a lovely evening I was kicking myself for not getting out to actually ride rather than just clean my bike, my friend was bringing back my bike trailer so I had to stay in, mind you I shouldn't complain he bought his garden shedder with him so managed to save me a trip to the tip with the shrubs I took out my garden they are all now nicely shredded and in my green garden bin.
i got out tonight went to thorn near doncaster had a good laugh then back to scunny for a night at the crosby free band good beer n a crackin night whooohooo bugger the rain get off ur bums n stop wingin lol
wingin, im not usually a winger, and im not a fair weather rider either, im out on my bike everyday whatever the weather, just like a clean bike with all the sparkly bits sparkly.
Glad you had a good night lady
Well the sun is shining not even any wind,first thoughts was get out the fuchs off , spray all over my bike while thats doing its job i go inside a clean my leathers and boots. Then its out with the hose pipe and a good blast to get rid of the cleaner and after another twenty minutes leathering it down i was ready for going out. Ten minutes into my journey it started to rain making me wonder why i had spent all that bl**dy time on my bike.....
and i`m certainly no fine weather rider if i was i would never be out riding, if i look at my bike it rains..!!!!!
hey gs thats what im doing so wrong
oh my god i am responsible for all this rain
i dont know whether i can but i will try i will try really hard lol
ill stop looking at my bike
anyway its not worth looking at it at the mo cos i still aint cleaned it cos of all the f**kin rain
get my drift
Certainly got your drift, got up this morning with the intension of finishing off what i started yesterday it feels damp in the air but roads are dry but very windy ( and no before anyone has the chance to say " I " havent been on the mussy peas ) .Out i go armed with leather, polish and cloths. i remove the cover, within five minutes the suns shining and at the same time pi**ing it down.I give up you just cannot win , bike is soaked uncoverd waiting for the rain to carm and i have to go out on it soon
lol everyone i cleaned my bike tonight and changed a headlight bulb but thats not working either ahhh but i have another one that does work on the other side lol so will check it in the morning befaire I head up to the squires cafe (shiny bike on its centre stand in me garden lovely and i looked like one of the wurzels in me combats and me nice green wellies, but my chain is nice and clean and lubricated lol ) Me sporockets look ok ish and next week i may clean inside the little box that the chain goes into and scoop out all the gunk lol but did notice i need some oil (TUT TUT)
And just a short note to say that because of all the heavy rain my bike wasnt as dirty as I thought it was it has bee washed clean by the power of the thunderstorms ....Just round the chain really and back wheel shame about the head light bulb though but at least i can now change it without taking of the fairing which the work shop manual tells me i should do (bugger that for a lark) hve a nice day everyone should check me doobriwatzits really lmao