If anyone bored sat morning...I need to move four tonne of rd shavings 30 yds to compact and form a shed base. New shed turned up today but due to poor weather and my flu there no base ready!
Two wheebarrowers, two shovellors and one to spread material would see it done in couple of hours...
bacon sarnies an teas supplied and a pint after....
Andy Ashford Kent
Apart from being the same as jp a lazy git, i'm on shift this weekend. Could have made it last weekend or next weekend i could've helped then. Trust you to choose the wrong weekend Andy .
lol, thanks all for your kind offers
I got two friends volunteering but a couple more would make it easy work.
weather looking hopeful....
if I can get it done be out on me bike after or def sunday...breki at Rye then on to Hastings phaps
Tell me Andy what time are you thinking of getting to Rye on Sunday, i ask cos i have to be at work by 3.00 that afternoon and i'd like to join you for a Brekkie and a ride in the morning.
Dave !
phew just finished.....shed base all tamped down wiv a vibrating plate..levelled...wooden flooring down and shed succesfully errected.
Just needs roof felted and guttering, then sort the electrical stuff.
I knackered!!! started 8am...finished around 5-30.
Had four helpers over course of day so coulda been worse!
So day off tmrw and back on it Monday if dry enuff...
Out fer steak an a pint now...