... the forums are a way to get hold of someone .. you can post something (some will consider a ramble) & someone can log on 6 hours later & see what you said y=to them & reply, thats how come the banter ends up in a forum rather than chat.
Shell isn't that what the PM is for?
Reaper, many a true word said in jest lol. My response to your post lets those who don't know netiquette know so it wasn't wasted info.
Good point shell !
Maybe we need some sort of other forum or "ramble room". I can't always log on in work so something that was going on late last night that i want to keep my eye on i cannot follow until the following night and by that time my opinion would be irrelevant as the topic ( or malteser.. lol ) may have moved on and there is no point expressing it as everyone would just go "huh"
Group pm's may be a good thing but then you could be accused of going back to the "clique" thing and we need to stay away from that.
I don't see how group PMs would be seen as a clique, PMs are private and no one but the recipients would know they'd been sent, however....if everyone, who usually waffles in the forum, waffles via PM there'd be no more posts in the forums. I can't win can I? lol
It's ok if it's kept in the pm's but it has happened before that some people felt excluded when others were waffling about an event that no one new anything about ended up in the forums.
And no kwak you can't win....
I know its been mentioned before but if the chatroom window allowed for more lines would make life far easier and i think encourage folk to enter, if your not the fastest typer or reader you miss most of the conversation and i guess it could put folk off (but still looking stunning Boss Man)
agree with that Jackie...
thats why I rarely use the chat room... i only type with two fingers and constantly have to look at the keyboard... so by the time i've done it I've lost track of things...
I'm no keyboard expert and trying to keep up can be frustrating so there is no point me even trying..........
Im the same BJ and Paul ... I go in now and again, but so hard keeping up with the chat cos dont type too quick :(
...and its harder to jump into a conversation with poeple in the chatroom esp if you dont know them ... thats why I prefer the forums and pm ing people.
I think the way Matt has things set up is really good, and Im sure the site will continue to grow and thrive, as long as there arent too many restrictions put on.
I dont envy him finding the balance on that one ...lol
Gidday people - not too experienced with forum chat and such stuff but it seems spot on to me... I have a right larf reading some of your posts.... Kwak makes the point you can chuck ya 2p's worth in on a forum whether anyones there or not and it'll get read eventually and your message gets out - gotta say its a great site - been on nearly a month and already making a few friends (well - they have yet to meet me in person so it might be short lived lol... )
6ypsy, thanks for all the kind comments. Yea I suppose I'm an amateur, I don't do it for a living. My day-job is as a 3rd-Line Technical Engineer for a Cardiology system with Philips Medical Systems in the Netherlands.
BJ - you litte creep lol ;-)
RC - don't you start creeping too, lol. But thanks, it is hard to find the balance (especially between what features subscribed members get vs standard members - that's a git to figure out)
Group PMs - no, this isn't gonna happen sorry. Many reasons that I'm not gonna go into.
Reaper - I have a book dedicated to netiquette, and it's a good read. It's really important that people follow basic internet practices and be respectful for everyone else.
Ian - shut up moaning! :-D
Ki - welcome to the site mate, 4 posts and counting. Glad you like the site. As always all feedback is appreciated, especially from "newbies" who have "fresh eyes" on the site (usually best placed to advise about ease of use etc)
Chatroom - no more lines will be added to the forum, cos it's the forum and not the chatroom. Also the date wont be included. The idea is to get people to go into the chatroom. If you can see that the last post was yesterday then you wont go in - and nobody else will either! If you go in to check, you might just leave the little window open and someone else will join you. Extra lines an only be added by either A) Increasing the window size (not possible for those using small monitors) or B) Reducing fone size (not possible for those who already complain that it's too small).
VFRPaul - I understand the problem about not typing fast enough, try and post more in the forums to increase your typing skills. Soon you'll be able to type without looking at the keyboard, then you can follow what's happening.
Ok will you all now please listen... I do NOT have a problem with people chatting in the forums!!! That's what they're for. It's people starting topics like "What's your favourite word?" and "What's your favourite sweet?" that piss me off. And that's just 2 examples from yesterday. There's chit-chat and there's shit-chat, and I'm sick of pointing out the (highly obviously) difference.
Reaper, netiquette is the same as etiquette except it's on the internet, hence the term netiquette; which means what is and isn't acceptable behaviour on line.
Ki: Kwak makes the point you can chuck ya 2p's worth in on a forum whether anyones there or not and it'll get read eventually and your message gets out
Ki, it wasn't me, that was svshell.
if i may make a comment, if people are genuinly trying to find a new gf/bf, partner, whatever, maybe you could state in your profile how far you are willing to travel!!, as its a dissapointment when your told if only you were closer,!! it makes both partys feel awkward and embarrased. just a thought , x
hmm, no that's not something ive seen done on any website before. I think if someone really is interested then they will travel. I know BM members who've travelled from one side of the country to the other to be with someone.
Imagine you put in your profile that you're prepared to travel 150 miles, but then someone who you don't really fancy is 100 miles away and you say "if only you were closer" as a polite way of saying "sorry but you're not my type"... see where I'm going?
Of course you can put anything in your profile, so if traveling becomes a problem and everyone who contacts you are too far away - put a comment on your profile. Otherwise, as far as I can imagine, it's just a poor excuse (or way of saying "sorry. no" to someone)
" if people are genuinely
trying to find a new gf/bf, partner, whatever, maybe you could state in
your profile how far you are willing to travel"
How far is 'too far' is a very personal thing that I suspect varies tremendously from person to person and also depends a lot on other circumstances.
Me, I'm ultra conservative (lazy) in that respect, and whilst I have rally buddies from literally all over the country, I'd be hesitant at best to consider anything more than that with someone who didn't live pretty close to me - and of course, my idea of 'pretty close' probably isn't going to be exactly the same as everyone else.
As Matt says, if someone's really interested they/you will travel to make it happen/work, it's also a great way of seeing more of the country as well as meeting more friends along the way too...