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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

Tour Scotland May 2011

Tour Scotland  May 2011 (11) - Forums [Biker Match] Tour Scotland  May 2011 (11) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Tour Scotland May 2011

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oh come on up to scotland Shadow dont be mardy! i bit of disorganisation is only a good thing! im comin over saturday and i dont need a stop over - will have a kip on the boat! lol....for 20 mins anyway!

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kwakgirl @ 07/01/2011 21:08  

There you go then SF, you can ride up from Lincs with Skinny and whoever 'we' is on Sunday, or me and the dog on Saturday til I start to flag, and anyone else who's coming up from this way. Some of the peeps will be there to party on Saturday night, by Sunday everyone will be there and by Monday you'll have had enough of us all and you can go home. Piece of p**s! Is that organised enough for you?

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6ypsy @ 07/01/2011 22:10  

6ypsy We is me, t'other half and 2 mates (and maybe another 3, waiting to hear if they can make the dates)

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skinnylady @ 07/01/2011 22:21  

lmao @ Jac

Im going up on the sat and stopping over at the Mad ones ... def partytime :)

Andy ... get ya ass there!
Nice bottle of red waiting .... hmmmm ... tempted? lol

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rockchick123 @ 07/01/2011 22:22  

Well you can have your own party with that lot Skinny. Alex, if Mad can put up me and a dog we can party with you, if SF changes his mind and comes that is Only joking Shadowfax, I think you're a fine figure really! x

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6ypsy @ 07/01/2011 22:29  

I tghink Mad was going to PM you to see if you wanted to stop ... but double check huni :)

If you want the company ... can always pick me up ;) on route ... lol

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rockchick123 @ 07/01/2011 22:43  

hey everyone am BACK LOL was having trouble changing internet provider but sorted now wooohooo hey 6ypsy yip .....thats not a problem give me a pm huni we sort it out :) ehrrrrr does ya dog like cats? cos the ginge rather grumpy lol and thanks every1 for keeping the thread ehrrrr interesting lol while a was away :)))))))

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madhat @ 07/01/2011 22:59  

Interesting ... hmmm .. Ive been reading the wrong thread Maryann! lmao

P.S. Good to see you back :) xxx

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rockchick123 @ 07/01/2011 23:04  

ye a heard there was a bit of negotiation between the hobbits and the yeties something bout payment to keep me in brummie lmao oi jacko you will pay......marigolds at the ready ladies lol

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madhat @ 07/01/2011 23:16  

Wimps !!!!!, other than the lass from sittingbourne in Kent, there is no need for a stop over its only 400 miles for most on here and a lot shorter for others and there are 7 people from Scotland. That's a day trip including lots of stops. Sandi, I did PM, but got the same answer and no explanation ....... like where are people breaking a trip of 6-7 hours for an overnighter LOL @ 'wimps' Andy, not all of us could do 400 miles in one day without stopping over, I certainly couldn't do half that in a day, especially not on a bike. I'd need a wheelchair and someone to help me get off the bike lol If ya don't get the answer you want, try again.

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Sandi @ 07/01/2011 23:28  

Cheers Mad, Pudster's not a cat fan but could try a whiskey to chill her out lol! Alex, I'll be on bike so doubt if there'll be any pillion seat unladen. You can have Pud on your knee in trailer though :-)

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6ypsy @ 07/01/2011 23:30  

hey kwak.....dohboy answered all his pm,s bout the dates and stuff and of course anyone can pm,me....but a not had any enquiries lol hmmmm might need to give the 2 off them a few wee drams then lol

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madhat @ 07/01/2011 23:50  

hi mad hat good to see you back on did you get new stick for chrismas

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paneurojim @ 08/01/2011 00:13  

awwww thanks jim :)))))))))) and lots of life in the old stick lol as a few of da cheekyboys will find out lol

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madhat @ 08/01/2011 00:40  

400 miles is a nice day run for us Scots lol

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madscots @ 08/01/2011 02:35  

lol@mad "is it really "

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madhat @ 08/01/2011 11:08  

400 miles in a day, I've never done it so I don't know, but I'd guess it will definitely be too much for this decrepit midlander. Unless anyone fancies tackling me with the deap heat when I get there

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6ypsy @ 08/01/2011 14:30  

Its a lot of riding but do-able 6yp ... I did it when we went to France ... 750 miles in 2 days ...

I am sure loads will offer to give you a good rub down

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Deleted User @ 08/01/2011 14:41  


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madhat @ 09/01/2011 15:02  

"and lots of life in the old stick lol as a few of da cheekyboys will find out lol"

Hey, nice to see ya back on MH, but that best not be a threat little lady cos you will pay big time.

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whackojacko @ 09/01/2011 16:17  

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