. Hare and hair
. knight and night
. their and there
. right and write
. would and wood
. hay and hey
. lone and loan
. sweet and suite
. sunday and sundae
. see and sea
. dye and die
. pooh and poo : )
. ant and aunt
. one and won
. pane and pain
. weight and wait
. sight and site
. hear and here
. maid and made
. where and wear
. fare and fair
. yew and you
. flee and fli
. plane and plain
. which and witch
. for and four
. shoe and shoo
. to and too
. when and win
. pee and pea
. pen and pin
. in and inn
. hoes and hose
. by and bye
knight and night their and there and they're. right and write. would and wood. hay and hey. lone and loan. sweet and suite. sunday and sundae. see and sea. dye and die. pooh and poo . one and won. pane and pain. weight and wait. sight and site. hear and here. maid and made. where and wear. fare and fair and fayre. yew and you. flee and fli. plane and plain. which and witch. for, four + fore
shoe and shoo. to and too and two. when and win. pee and pea. in and inn. hoes and hose. by and bye
Andy the 5 "PAIRS" in word games should come inder one group, so you have only used 2 lots really. Pointed out by your dearest :)
bailer + bailor + baler
too lazy to do any more words this morning and tax is taxing.