glyn, No problem mate. It was nice meeting you and having a few beers. Will definately do some more at the KISS rally, if I don't see you before.
Now who was that other bloke who fell asleep by the fire. Ah XK I am not sure who collared who! Next time keep you feet off the fire
Guys it was great meeting you all, i really had a memorable weekend!!! thanks Bill and whoever else may have ended up carrying me around in my very drunken state, or picking me up neither the mud, nor the rain could have ruined such a good rally, and I'm looking forward to partying again with you all
I have just found a couple of pictures showing one of our illustrious members warming his feet by the fire at 1-30 pm in the rain . I presume we didn't leave him there! did we?
It was very dark for 1.30pm David........I know when we left the wigwam was still up not sure bout XK tho, last spotted chasing his inflatable down the field