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General Chat/Anything Goes

Room 101

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Room 101

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Deleted Member @ 04/07/2010 09:18  


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darylt @ 04/07/2010 09:40  

Church bells!!!

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Deleted Member @ 04/07/2010 09:50  


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Deleted Member @ 04/07/2010 10:04  

sales people (cold callers aka pests)

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Deleted Member @ 04/07/2010 10:30  

Hmmm, here's a good few things to put in 101:

Jobs-worth police, traffic wardens, management, etc.

Those parking in disabled bays that are not disabled or have a disabled badge

Those that give abuse or filthy looks because you have a blue badge, entitled to a blue badge but cus you look young and not in a wheel chair or bloody old, they think you have nicked it, lying or just shouldn't have it.

Those that don't think before they open their gob (goes with the above)

Those that abuse the benefit system or cheat the benefit system

The DLA system. Its crap as it recognises stupid things like a bad back as needing higher rates etc but other more serious disabilities it doesn't recognise at all (life threatening ones such as Cystic Fibrosis)

TESCO's and all the ass kissing management

Government (Politicians)

Rogue Traders

Chavs and gangs

Some NHS staff and the NHS top management

The medical excemption list of the 60's (it needs up dating)


Those that abuse their body and then expect to get all the medical help out there

Those that abuse their bodies, go on the transplant list due to their abuse to their body and get a transplant ahead of those that have done nothing to their body and need a transplant.

I could go on lol but think that list is long enough for now :P

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ace_morgan @ 04/07/2010 22:40  

Aww are ya havin an off day Morgan? Would be theraputic if we did have a real room 101 eh?

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Sandi @ 04/07/2010 22:56  

Kwak, it's just good to get things off your chest so to speak sometimes, especially the things that just bug you or make you want to just go ARGH lol
Plus my hospital are being a right pain in the bum lol So I put the London Chest Hospital in room 101 too, yay watch it fall in

Plus the amount of filthy looks i've had in my life from people that don't think before they talk or give evils or filthy looks, i've lost count but dam i wish i had a quid for each one i got, i'd be rich lol

Hell yeah it would be theraputic :P think we should band together and make one :P

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ace_morgan @ 05/07/2010 02:55  

Got lost in there once, good job i left some breadcrumbs else i would have still been in there now, stop shining the light in mi face.

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Deleted Member @ 10/07/2010 02:15  

Wasps Rice pudding Peppers That little brush attachment on the vaccuum cleaner (does anyone know what that's for???)

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GT63 @ 10/07/2010 13:12  

The person that told me GSOH means Great Sex Own Helicopter!

That caused me a lot of trouble on here and frankly for what was a genuine mistake I thought the "lady" was a bit rooood TBH!

Anyway, with my poor memory I can't remember EXACTLY who told me that.
Perhaps you could assist GT?

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invalid characters @ 10/07/2010 14:13  

GT I use my little brush for curtains and soft furnishings such as my suite and lamp shades and ornaments. It's better than dusting cos that just moves it around, vacuuming with soft brush attachment means no damage to the ornaments. Into Room 101.... ....a neighbour and his very noisy quad bike! Inconsiderate

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Sandi @ 10/07/2010 16:38  

Just between you and me Kwak, GT's not that domestic so any information that could-be seen as encouraging it, isn't a good idea IMO!

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invalid characters @ 10/07/2010 16:59  

LTGTR I hope you know GT or ya could be in real bovver lol

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Sandi @ 10/07/2010 17:20  

Another noisey neighbour below her noisey tv drives me nuts

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Deleted Member @ 10/07/2010 18:11  

I do Kwak.

BTW please don't post any recipes, she bought a new oven last year and that concerned quite a few of us!

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invalid characters @ 10/07/2010 18:39  

Soft furnishings huh? To LTGTR that would include the bike in the dining room and to me, the oven in the living room. Life is too short to stuff mushrooms and iron t-towels isn't it Ruffle? Back to room 101....instant polyfilla which dries out before I've completed the job

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GT63 @ 10/07/2010 18:43  


I know Atre' was a bit shocked about the bike, but where else should you put a piece of history?

Anyway, not half as shocked as I was about her pink combats!

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invalid characters @ 10/07/2010 18:52  

mrs turnbull my music teacher in 3rd yr juniors i was only girl in my yera not be in choir so i couldnt go on saturday morning superstore with my classmates -30 yrs on i still hold a grudge lol

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missvondarkness @ 10/07/2010 19:22  

Oooh I once told a teacher to "Drop dead" in a fit of pique and she did that weekend, for months I thought I had special powers and wanted to try them out on someone else to see if I had...unfortunately I didn't hate anyone else enough to risk it (might be worthwhile not pissing me off too much just in case though) Room 101 nomination: pink combats....just what the hell are they camouflaging you against?

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GT63 @ 10/07/2010 23:47  

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