A big thank you to roy27 for getting me to this event, nice one like a bird released from it's cage.
It was good to see familiar faces, and get and give so many hugs, lovely! lol
Confusing trying to work out who was who in the newbies lol having a memory like a sieve doesn't help, that's why tagging is important; but it's got to be your face showing not the back of your head, that's the whole point of the tagging system IDENTIFICATION. I know it's not easy sometimes cos the tags can get in the way, especially in a group photo.
So will those who attended, and had their photo taken, please tag themselves, remembering NOT to cover your face or block others.
I had my lunch in the park and took some photos of the scenery, if anyone is remotely interested they are in an album on my profile.
I've already added my photos of members to the event calendar.