All the immature morons who think its funny to shout abuse or insult me on the street because I'm not short, stick thin or look like a chav footballer's wife
My ex who threw me and our 10yo son out of our house so he could move in the woman he was having an affair with
Cancer! I have a huge list - just how big is Room 101?
topless women in bike mags i appreciate the men may like it or in fact ladies who like ladies but i want to see the bikes properly if i want to see topless women id buy nuts or loaded :-) but i dont lol
Cancer, chavs, coffee, brussel sprouts, Kim Wilde, my ex and his tart who refuses to have our children stay in her flat, fake tan, fiat multiplas, tights, guinea pigs and lots of other things that are not so politically correct so I won't list them here!
Cancer, chavs, coffee, brussel sprouts, Kim Wilde, my ex and his tart who refuses to have our children stay in her flat, fake tan, fiat multiplas, tights, guinea pigs and lots of other things that are not so politically correct so I won't list them here!
My ex also drove a Fiat Multipla at the time so your post made me laugh!
From today's experience - car drivers who take it as a personal affront if you dare to overtake them on a bike....and then chase you, overtake you and flick V's at you as they drive past...
Probably already said this but...
Television programme schedulers and with them all the repeats!!
The BBC cos if it had advertisements we'd probably not need the licence.
T V Licencing company for obvious reason.
How much is a licence these days? I'm curious as to how much I'm paying to keep seeing the same old programmes on the box. If it was any other product they'd only be allowed to sell it once at the original price.
It would probably have to be Self Service Checkouts! they do my bloody noggin in and never work whenever I go through and the stupidest items come up with alcohol content! Joke!!