Waking up for the first time in 3 months and not having every joint in my body hurt to the point of distraction :) The right medication is a wonderful thing ....
invalid characters In: West Sussex
Posts: 647
On my news feed:-
Forever 21 sending out free diet bars for orders that contained plus size clothing.
"Forever 21 has recently come under fire for putting Atkins diet bars in online orders that contained plus-size clothing. Obviously, a bunch of shoppers were understandably upset, so Forever 21 issued an apology."
Having a long conversation with a guy nobody else can understand ,about bikes..i was driving him to Stroke Club..he was telling me a recently deceased friend had left him a 1920's Royal Enfield in his will...despite all his own problems,he and his wife are going to take it to some bike shows next summer...nothing like having a goal to keep you going..:)> His determination was humbling to listen to..👍🏍
Thanks Dee :) I don't mind the pain as you sort of get used to it after a while, but am fed up of not being able to ride at the moment. Think I need a body transplant lol
Jinx Life is to short to worry about getting the paint on the walls lol If you are going to teach your grandchildren to misbehave make sure you teach them well ;)