Lovely to read that so many people have found happiness through the site or going to bm events. Congratulations to everyone and lets hope there will be many more stories to follow, has anyone had a biker match baby yet.
yes Dusty, there are two more types/reasons
Single cos no one has asked to date them
Single cos they can't date anyone at the moment (personal reasons)
Anyway this thread isn't about being single it's about successful dating stories
Hiya Sandi , Quite correct about this being the wrong thread for my post. However , single coz no one has asked them , is the same as . Single coz they won't make an effort . (to ask someone themselves) .p.s. Are you coming to Loch Ness ? I did invite you . Dusty xx
well i remember this time last year i was a very happy single person riding my bike going to rallies and happy being single with nobody else to worry about.doin my own thing wasnt wanting to be with anyone and then i decided i was gonna go to the friskney autumn bm rally.i rode down with chilli and jan and set up camp and proceeded to enjoy myself.then about 7.30 friday night i turned round and bumped into this guy and the rest is history we have been inseperable since and on the 28th of this month we will have been together for a year how amazing is that? and it just shows it happens when your least expecting it
Awww! Debz n Russ, Bless ya both .. totally besotted with each other, its fab to see n it warms the cockles of even my icy cold, steel clad heart!!! Tee hee. Love you guys . Lx
what an utter load of codswallop lol your the least icy cold person i know just remember i here your conversations with a certain person and have mopped the tears so you stop kidding yourself and trying to kid us too cos it aint working burd lol your my bestest buddy and your a huge and we luvs yoooo tooo dx rx
Aww gee thanks guys (blush). It was only a joke though about my icy cold steel clad heart ... Although from what i understand troglodytes like beer as cold my icy heart...((wink))!