Apart from his roles in the various Hunger Games franchise, not many remember him playing the part of Hawkeye Pierce in the movie adaptation of MASH. A versatile actor with the same wild side as Oliver Reed and countless other of their era. R.I.P Donald Sutherland.
RIP Geoff Capes aged 75. Not only was he 'Worlds Strongest Man' twice but is British shot putt record holder still after 44 years. I met him once in the early 1980s when I was a teenager, at a Loughborough versus the AAAs athletics meet. Our teacher blocked his car in with the school minibus and I honestly thought that he was going to lift the transit on his own but he waited patiently 🤣🤣🤣
Forgot to memorialise this singer. R.I.P. Paul di Anno, first Iron Maiden frontman I heard back in the day. In my opinion marginally better than Dickinson. 21/10/2024