Today's rant is regarding non-news being reported as though we're being treated to earth-shattering revelations.
"No $h1t, Sherlock!" moments, if you will...
In fact, this one's a double "No $h1t, Sherlock" moment, as the good Dr notes as an afterthought that "the recommendations could equally apply to men"
Well I never?!
& they say you learn a new thing every day.
D'oh! Stoopid Yahoo's moved it...
This is what the article says:
By Sky News SkyNews - Wednesday, September 17 03:22 am
Women could halve their risk of dying a premature death by adopting a healthier lifestyle.
Avoiding cigarettes, exercising regularly, eating healthily and keeping their weight in check could lead to a 55% reduction in deaths among adult females from chronic diseases, according to the US study.
The research, published on the British Medical Journal website, claims that 72% of deaths from cardiovascular disease and 44% of deaths from cancer among those surveyed could have been prevented by adhering to the four lifestyle guidelines.
Smoking was found to be the biggest cause of premature death.
Being overweight, having a poor diet, failing to keep fit and drinking too much alcohol was also a factor.
But teetotallers fared less well than drinkers.
Women with "light-to-moderate" alcohol consumption of up to one drink a day were less likely to die from cardiovascular diseases than teetotallers.
Nearly 80,000 participants between the ages of 34 and 59 took part in the study.
One of the report's authors, Dr Rob van Dam said: "One of the ways of looking at overall health is how soon you die, or how long you live. People are always looking to new factors that can help them but these are very basic lifestyle recommendations.
"In busy, modern life it's more difficult to adapt to these factors, but people don't have to spend hours lifting heavy weights. It's simple dietary changes like eating more wholegrains and less red meat, walking to work and to the grocery shop, these really add up.
"And of course the thing to state is not to smoke."
Dr van Dam said the recommendations could equally apply to men.
aah mr Nick o teen!!youd think people would have kicked it all into touch by now but they still hang on in there!!nice to see a young couple[last wednesday] both puffin away[mum on the phone!] draggin a screamin todller along by the hand!!why?cos two boxes of lager was in the pushchair!!i so wanted to take a picture as i always carry a camera but needles to say i would have got abuse!![unless i paid them !]
I've had 'em chucking stuff at my office building most of the afternoon (including each other - through the ruddy door)... I became bored of this and went out to give them a proper old fashioned telling off...
Which probably means I'll be going into work tomorrow to yet another smashed window or graffiti scratched all over it... Apparently you're not allowed to tell brats off these days, without expecting some sort of "retribution"... We get a visit from a PCSO every now and then, to nod earnestly at us and declare that he/she understands that it must be very frustrating.
Now I'm home and 6 of 'em have decided to take up residence in the alleyway beside my house, swearing at the tops of their voices as if they're the first people ever to have discovered swear words (FFS! ;o) )... I "accidentally" ran over a few of their feet with my very full wheely bin, as it's collection day tomorrow ;o)
you can prob get a petition going amounst the neighbours put it across as a comunity service and you may get a grant for a window, dont for get to use eco friendly litter !
there in the lane outside mine somnight's ive found the answer it's not cat litter but red wine[down my throat]!!oh an some latin music, that might drive em away if i play it loud enough come to fink of it!!
Hehehe! It's not very eco friendly once the cats have been at it!
I just went out and growled at them instead, using the tried and tested line "Fer crying out loud, I can't hear myself THINK with all this racket going on!"... seemed to work... they've vanished... for now ;o)
Not too sure I'd get too many of the neighbours joining in with me on a petition... next door are always complaining to the local bobby about the motorbikes round the corner... you just wait til my gleaming lil 125's sat outside my front door... they're going to LOVE me! *sniggers*
shall i come round and rev up knackered old superdream with ventilated exhaust,sure i can get it to backfire if i try hard enough do you think that might help?
I live in a really small side street... one end of which is one way - just for a distance of a few yards... the lads use it as a cut through to get to the off roading area round the corner (that my neighbours complain about)...
So they're coming in the road the wrong way, past a no entry sign...
Usually on completely illegal bikes, often 2-up and rarely with lids...
It's a narrow one-way street... I'm just waiting for one of 'em to come a cropper... I don't reckon they're going to learn the easy way!