Today paid £151.00 a ltr at donny services, theiving gypsy bar stewards, sickens me!!! And they had the cheek to ask me to remove my helmet, my reply was ''remove yer mask Dick''
Ah cheers.. I don't like to be afraid of things.. Hence all the nutty sports I've done.. Also why i'm on here.. Don't actually need to meet anyone. First meetings are much more scary than jumping from a plane!!
If i'd done a tandom jump i could have jumped from higher but, Jumping just as the sunset, first out of the plane. That sunset was all life was solely in my hands.. Fantastic experience.. My exit from the plane was helped by a look from the instructor that said this one wont jump... That was another challenge I wasn't going to ignore..Should have just stuck to the once tho..
dont see the point of jumimg out of a plane unless you have to! is that not a fear in itself, not wanting to be afraid of things? i will stick with being scared of everything its safer!
petrol wise, paid 152.9 on the way back from the Isle or Arran weekend, it was that or run out!
invalid characters In: West Sussex
Posts: 647
I always remember the old saying Hurtz. If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving's not for you!
Like Bobby I can't see the sense in it, but then again there isn't much sense in going round and round a race-track, but my life would've been a lot poorer without it.
I remember doing my private pilots licence training, I said to the instructor do these things crash often. She replied with only once normally! That put my mind at rest!
As for the original question, my car only does 12mpg if I boot it so....... The biggest change in my life was walking to work etc, so nearly all my mileage was recreational.
To explain.. Bobby ur absolutely right that is a fear in itself but tackling them one at a time. Did parachuting as wanted to do sky boarding so 2 reasons really. Still want to hand feed shark in their natural enviroment.. no aquarium stuff. Also a morray eel.. Don't ask just love them.. Have done lots of crazy things to feel alive. To experience that buzz. Although racing the big CAT machines was more pain than anything Suspension and roof.. Still want to drive a tank but will give u all plenty of warning, lol
Price of petrol.. Heard that loads more people are ditching their cars due to cost.. And with the new changes coming in. Will affect those wanting to switch to motorbikes!!
how high will i go?about 30feet above sea level at this rate,ordered wood for ark today,rain still hoofin down here!on a biblical level this is noah and the critters signing off,ciao for now x