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BM Website Issues/Help Requests

New Feature: Event attendees at a glance

New Feature: Event attendees at a glance (2) - Forums [Biker Match] New Feature: Event attendees at a glance (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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New Feature: Event attendees at a glance

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i dont even know how to add favourites!! I can see its a good idea to see who is going at a glance rather than having to click it open to see - bt i do have to agree with sandi a bit it does look a bit messy now ..... maybe i just need to get used to it... i just opened teh events to check whats on this weekend and thought my computer was havign a funny moment.... il see how it goes that no disregard for the hard work it must have taken matt ... alwyas mucho appreciated but just getting my head roudn it at the mo!

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Deleted Member @ 27/04/2012 18:31  

No Matt, it deffo is a right mess now. It's difficult to look at a GLANCE for an event. The county is now underneath on a second line.

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Sandi @ 27/04/2012 18:33  


You must be spending far too much time on these gadgets on the calender if it's affecting your performance.

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Deleted Member @ 27/04/2012 18:43  

Great idea Matt, but messy looking for me too! We'll get used to it though and wonder how we ever managed to live without it lol. Might of been better for me knowing which folk were going that I wanted to avoid instead of my favourite people

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Blackberry @ 27/04/2012 19:09  

guys i know it looks messy... but my problem is that I'm crap with designing graphics, looks, layout etc. What I'm good at is functionality and coding, making something that works.

If you guys can suggest how to make it look better please let me know and I'll change it.

The only thing I've done is added (#/#) at the beginning of each event to show how many are attending / favourites attending. Then at the end of each event title it adds a star if you have a friend attending just to highlight it for you.

Sandi, it doesn't add the county to the 2nd line.... it just stretches onto a 2nd line if the event title is too long (including the new added bits). Hence we've now got a few starts on separate lines.

The only way I can fix that is to lose the 3 columns and have one long list. It would mean a complete redesign though, which would be worth doing so i can correct the above-mentioned issue with attendees counting.

Do you all way that, a longer vertical list rather than 3 columns? We could have a table like the forums.

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Matt @ 27/04/2012 19:53  

Or could you go to two columns Matt???

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Deleted Member @ 27/04/2012 20:10  

Part of the problem is having the 2 numbers you miss read it as a date. how about just having the number of members going? as you will already know if your favorits are going as there your mates

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JP @ 27/04/2012 20:13  

Agree with jp, don't think we need to see how many of our favs are going. I always look at who is going to an event and you can quickly spot the folk you know and those you don't. Don't see why the columns have to be changed, we will get used to it Matt

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Blackberry @ 27/04/2012 20:21  

It looks straight forward to me. The thing with favourites, is how you use that facility. Some may use it as a reference for people they think they could get on with in a possible relationship. Others may use it to highlight who their mates are. If you are on the site just to meet friends you may not necessarily mark anyone as favourites. As JP said, you know who your mates are and don't need to keep a list. Either way I am easy.

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davidneale @ 27/04/2012 20:25  

Damn, David beat me to it!

Yep, if I have 20 girls in my favourites list who I'd love to meet up with then currently I'd have to monitor all their profiles, individually go into every event on each of their profiles to look where the events are and when etc.

Now in the calendar I can press Search, enter my postcode and distance, then immedaitely see which events my favourite girls are going to be at. Then go myself with the chance I might bump into one of them. :-D

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Matt @ 27/04/2012 20:38  

Lol @ Matt what ya like??!!! I only use favourites to remind myself of the folk I promised to contact for particular ride outs! Thinking about it, 2 columns might be a good idea, if it equates to looking at 2 months. Will be more room and it won't look so squashed

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Blackberry @ 27/04/2012 20:46  

Matt she can read you know lol

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JP @ 27/04/2012 21:08  

Oh! Matt, will ya stop mucking about wiv the calendar? I phookin hate change, why fix what aint broke. Can't ya buy a crossword book, like other folk, when ya get bored? guys i know it looks messy... but my problem is that I'm crap with designing graphics, looks, layout etc. So don't do it then. NO! please don't change anything else. It was fine as it was, it's a flippin calendar FGS not a new hair style!

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Sandi @ 27/04/2012 23:49  

Looks ok to me but feel free to make any changes you want to confuse Sandi; lol. Only joking Sandi; lol.

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Simon66 @ 28/04/2012 00:45  

For once Simon I was not confused, much, lol more fed up really, the nice tidy calendar is all messy now. All my hard work messed up *sob* waaaa

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Sandi @ 28/04/2012 01:00  

Let me loose with it and see what it looks like; lol.

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Simon66 @ 28/04/2012 03:08  

Doesn't look bad at all, and isn't that different than before apart from the (#\#) at the beginning........change is good Sandi...embrace it, how we evolve........ It's an on going metamorphisis

It good you can see at a glance if it's going to be busy or not with out trawling the pics.....

Weel done I say...

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Deleted Member @ 28/04/2012 13:42  

Thanks Johnny.

Sandi sometimes things have to change. When people from BM meet me they often voice their frustrations, suggestions etc when otherwise they wouldn't (might be why i rarely go to events haha). if I think a suggestion can be easily implemented (considering it's value to the site) then I will do so of course. I would be a very bad site owner if I didn't.

Remember - there would be NO calendar if I hadn't listened to people and created that section. It wasn't there in the beginning. Same for the Lift Requests. Same with your suggestion I changed behind the scenes today (not populating the dates when adding a new event).

If things don't change or get upgraded, the site will soon become stagnant and boring.

This small change doesn't destroy the calendar at all, and it adds a significant new feature which will be of great value to those people using the site for dating.

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Matt @ 28/04/2012 17:05  

And anyone who mistakes the numbers for a date needs to be either neutered or sent back to school FFS! If you can't work out that it's not a date then you need serious help

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Matt @ 28/04/2012 17:07  

OK moany pants.... the big yellow star has been replaced with a slimmed down little yellow asterix.

ok for you?

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Matt @ 28/04/2012 17:24  

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