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General Chat/Anything Goes

lets make everyone happy!!

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lets make everyone happy!!

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Richard, since you joined you have complained about the way the site is built, managed and looks. You want this doing, then you want that doing to change things. when you post something in a forum and someone offers an answer for you, all you can do is reply with snotty, snide comments. Now you are having a go at a member who has been on here a long time for her style when she posts. Is there no end to your bitching and moaning? Apart from a few little glitches that acutally gave the site a character, everyone who uses the site on a regular basis, was happy with the way the site was. Your susperiority complex is annoying and is grating on a lot of peoples nerves you insufferable snob.

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Deleted Member @ 02/04/2014 09:46  

How did that song go ??????????
There may be trouble ahead

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JP @ 02/04/2014 10:32  

....but while theres music and moonlight ....

anyone care to finish singing this with me and JP?

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Deleted Member @ 02/04/2014 10:44  

well said 66 you beat me I was composing a post it was a lot stronger than yours but I thought yours will do @ Richard T ; you have been here for only 33 days . even Adolf Hitler Tuck longer to start a war

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Deleted Member @ 02/04/2014 10:59  

@ 66 and V-rod, I am not going to sink to your level and trade insults in public, I will PM you both.

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Richard T @ 02/04/2014 11:32  

PM me all you want, you are upsetting a lot of people on here, one of which happens to be a very good friend of mine. She has been in touch with me telling me what you have said to her and I have advised accordingly. If you dont like the way things are done on this site, move on, this site survived before you joined, it will still be here after you are a distant memory. You attitude towards other members stinks. You look like a smug, self important megalomaniac who thinks only his way of thinking is the right way! Bring it on.

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Deleted Member @ 02/04/2014 11:42  

I haven't been on the site long and wouldn't think of sticking my oar in when it's not wanted and making comments on something that has nothing to do with me.So i totally agree with D66 & V-ROD if all you can do is moan then pss off.

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GL Blue @ 02/04/2014 11:52  

I too was going to publish the pm from rich-t, but i was on my way to work when i received his missive. When i have time later i will compose a suitable reply but can assure him he will absolutely be getting no public withdrwaawl from me. In his pm, he says he has complained about nothing or no-one since joining, well he must perceive complaints differently to the rest of us mere mortals here.

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Deleted Member @ 02/04/2014 12:45  


As a stranger , ya don't walk into a group of friends and start telling them what to think or what to do. You wait until you're an accepted equal member of the pack and then, gently, introduce your point of view ;if it differs from the pack. This is a social skill learned at primary school.

Anything else is quite rightly seen as arrogance .

Fer fek's sake . Twenty years of internet. Have you never had any mates? Is this the reason you come across as arrogant, aloof and socially inept.

Chill out , back off and try joining in , for a while at least.

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dustin666 @ 02/04/2014 12:57  

I have removed several posts as it is against site rules to copy and paste PMs into the forums. I am also locking this thread for now until you guys calm down. Mod Team

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Brummie Jackie @ 02/04/2014 13:16  

End now boys before she gets the big stick.out

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JP @ 02/04/2014 13:16  

It would seem that other members are making their own judgements. As dusty says, social skills are perhaps not your forte. Stick to what you know best, computers. Oh while i am here, profile pics are a personal choice and as long as they are not breaking any site rules with regard to format and decency, how dare you ask someone to change theirs because your wife doesnt like you looking at it!

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Deleted Member @ 02/04/2014 13:17  

As I have been accused of many of the things noted above, my take on it is that people tend to have very differing views and sometimes they are 'off kilter' to say the least; each to their own. However, I have spoken with RichardT on several occasions via chat and PM and he has never been anything other than polite and courteous. Perhaps it is now time to take a step backwards, grab a cuppa and chill out gentlemen? No doubt someone will have a dig that I am once again 'interfering' but hey nowt new there. **Sits down, cuppa in hand**

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Lindsay @ 02/04/2014 13:19  

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