I would have a go, but only if I had some help. I was one of the organisers of the Ure Welcome 1st rally, so I know what hard work is involved. Anybody want to join my gang? No timewasters, please.
I too was one of the original events team for the Ure Welcome Rally way back in 2008
XK, I'd be happy to help out for the KISS rally.... the only problem is that I don't have as much spare time as I did back then and also I have some transport issues, but I'll do my best to help as much as I can.
I'm busy running the Squires marshals now we are doing events for other organisations so my time is limited but I will be able to help out at the rally.
Plenty of good places up in the North XK but as we all know it will too far for a lot of people. What about bands or disco assuming we want one? Who in BM plays in a band and would be interested in playing? I'll help where I can.
XK I could probably help out with any admin/paperwork or phone calls .. never had any involvement with rally organising so don't really know what's involved.
I know a fair few bands from the Yorkshire Area so that might be useful to ya .. but to be honest they are all working bands so it will be paid. Unless of course there is a BM Band that could be put together for the craic, as suggested earlier.
Bands have always been payed at previos rallys I will get details to you re cost of bands in the past some have cost us a lot of money but its been worth it. bands have always been the biggest bill when you take PA hire into account. dont worry to much about that yet get a team together find a location that is going to work that will give you a base cost to work from. Jackie and Ken worked out that side if it and I just asked for a budget and worked with it. I dont think I ever went over well not much anyway lol
Totally understand if the original KISS team want a break. Just hope we can get something along the same scale next year as 2014 was brilliant!
I want to suggest the Peak District - it's more UK-central than England-central, and it's extremely beautiful, great roads and accessible from all directions.
Who knows, maybe me and Marsha could renew our vows this time :-D (we had planned to get married in England anyhow next year, although we're officially married on paper already we wanted a ceremony that my family can go to).
Wow Matt, it must be a long time since you were in the UK. The Peak District is a good two hour ride from the guy (XK) that's volunteered to organise 2015.