hi all of you out there, who said any thing about sex! me was thinking about my gut's/food/snap time what ever you call it,chocolate take it or leave it, mixed nut's,well that's a different story.look's like i opened a can of worm's here?.now come on lady's, you know you like the thing's that are not good for your figer's, that CREAM CAKE/CHOCOLATE THERE I SAY THE BAG OF CHIP'S. men do have other thing's on there mind, if we need to get our leg over,there is all way's our bike's.lol.rob
Sorry got on my horse /ass 4 a min .perhaps a macc lads song could cover it if you want to be a bit crass BEER N SEX N CHIPS N GRAVY.Bit messy i would have thought
so smile and think on!!
tony d
and no im not pious,religous,prude,or a f--k wit
Just me!!!
I know a few from both gender who are after one thing!
Let them meet each other. If you meet someone who's after one thing only, and you're not, then move on. Don't hold it against that person, because there are people of both gender who only want that. I'm personally not like that, but so what if I was?
Just search some of the girl's profiles on this site and you'll see what I mean! Folks are all looking for different things. Different things make different people tick. Some folks use this site because they like leather, even if they've not interest in bikes.
Some people like feet -