I can't believe how many people are still using Windows XP! Do you all realise how dangerous it is now? More than a year past it's support date (that means no more security issues being fixed).
Technologies are also moving on, especially on the web. Windows XP just isn't up to the job anymore.
Please try and get Windows 7 running you guys (windows 8 sucks)
BM on Hudl still OK. BM now usable on Blackberry although the background colour looks a washed out version of the original colour. iMac (OS X 10.6 - no Windows operating systems for me, thank you) menu on home page still overwrites the old logo and the group photo and is illegible but quick jump is accessible so I can go to forums, etc. The page is offset to the left too. So it's now two out of three - better.
I'm at work and will test on iMac when I get home. I use Firefox and Safari as browsers.
However, in the last couple of hours, the menu is overwriting every page on my Blackberry. Where there is text from the menu, I am unable to select what's overwritten.
It looks like everything is working satisfactorily on all three of my devices. Normal background colour, centralised pages, new logo and no overwriting of menus on pages. This is being written on my iMac so if this posts correctly, everything is as it should be. Thank you, Matt, for getting it sorted.