Nah, 6 ain't dead still on the loose and ever present. All the same, I'm sure we can have a booze up at YP and RnB if ya really want to. I may well find 6 and let ya drink a beer in its company, but only if ya behave yaself
LMAO, you were very well behaved today and were rewarded for your efforts, with finally finding the missing piece of the puzzle. I understand it dawned on you when you got to Huddersfield!
LOL IT was so nice to meet you Lindsay you are a really nice person and what soap do you use smelt gorgeous ! I was quiet today never been so slow in my life , I was taking it all in . mmmm as to no 6 I don't think it was sorted today I think its like the lockness monster a piece of biker match mystery double six aint THE Six lol yes I figured that out on my way home lol x