Well,i have to agree,crystal balls ARE wonderful.....but i knew you were going to say that.......and i hate to be pedantic(liar!) but it's spelt EEYORE...
If you ever have concerns about a new member not being approved, you can always feel free to drop me a direct message in private with the facts.
In this instance the result would have been the same - you would verify you know the guy and I would restore the account (still asking him to fill out his profile more).
Stamping your feet in the forums, getting others stamping their feet - does NOTHING to help BM. All it does is make new members wary of joining up and old members likely to delete their account.
And in the interests of sexual equality...my girlfriend's huge pussy.. https://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fimg.buzzfeed.com%2Fbuzzfeed-static%2Fstatic%2Fcampaign_images%2Fterminal05%2F2012%2F9%2F5%2F17%2Flife-with-a-giant-house-cat-1-19892-1346881807-16_big.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.buzzfeed.com%2Fexpresident%2Flife-with-a-giant-house-cat&docid=ZPx1vK339EJJ9M&tbnid=_2tiEZWrlTec5M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjE77C_kcHWAhXKK8AKHTr_BAEQMwifAigQMBA..i&w=355&h=236&hl=en&bih=629&biw=1280&q=giant%20cat&ved=0ahUKEwjE77C_kcHWAhXKK8AKHTr_BAEQMwifAigQMBA&iact=mrc&uact=8