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General Chat/Anything Goes

Room 101

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Room 101

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They must go in... they never work and only come out when its

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skins @ 11/12/2007 11:47  

how can they afford them if they dont work!!

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tangoman60 @ 11/12/2007 12:13  

Well theres no running

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skins @ 12/12/2007 07:11  

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bikerchick1966 @ 12/12/2007 09:10  

may god forgive yu an may your skidmarks cause yu great discomfort!!shame on yu all!!

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tangoman60 @ 12/12/2007 10:11  

Me got no shame TM60!

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bikerchick1966 @ 12/12/2007 14:12  

Gordon Brown and the E U treaty aka E U Constitution

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Sandi @ 15/12/2007 06:50  

i so want to take gorden brown out on thew back of me bike , to convert him to a biker think the country would then be better off

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firebladekid @ 15/12/2007 08:33  

please bury the fkn spice girls 6 ft under an all celebrities who do borin adverts at xmas damn em all the money grubbin gits!!!

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tangoman60 @ 16/12/2007 16:40  

Youve just seen that Tesco advert havent you TM? In between the Last Conversation with Parkinson?

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bikerchick1966 @ 16/12/2007 17:27  

I would like to see all those bloody Halifax ads sent to room 101. They get on my nerves!!!!!

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Deleted Member @ 16/12/2007 17:31  

Rogue smoke alarms! in empty council properties. Emergency services sirens at unreasonable o'clock (there's one every few seconds, EVERY DAY AND NITE, past my home) I know it's a busy road but come on... not at half 4 in the morning! Behave! DWP- dragging me in to job centre for a compulsory back-to-work interview when I'm officially off sick!! At the time of the interview I'd just had a knee op' so it was painful to walk. Surely a back-to-work interview would be more appropriate when I sign back to being a job seeker? Who makes the rules up?!! and now I've got to have a medical to see if I'm sick enough to be sick! I thought a Doctor's sick note was evidence of that.

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Sandi @ 23/02/2008 03:09  

id put in those plebs who ride round the pavements on trails or minimotos,my and my 3 year old nearlly got knocked over the other day,they look at you as if to say,you shouldnt be walking on the pavement lol,,,id also put in the cheeky girls and any other pop sickly song,like those blonde twins,wats that all about lol

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katydevil @ 23/02/2008 05:21  

cheesy music. R&B, Hip Hop, Rap or other crap music.The people who like the above.The people who like the people who like the above.The pe... nah sod it. My old dole-dossing neighbours in England, who had 5 kids and got more money by sitting on their arses all day than i did working all day! Who poured paint on their sofa so the council would buy them another one, saying it was the kids. Grrrrrr. Hey kwak, no disrespect regarding the sickness/job seeking or anything, everyone is at some point, but i dont understand how you can have a back to work interview when you go back to job-seeking? Surely it would be after you accept a job position from them? Im confused.

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Matt @ 23/02/2008 12:58  

Emergency services sirens at unreasonable o'clock (there's one every few seconds, EVERY DAY AND NITE, past my home) I know it's a busy road but come on... not at half 4 in the morning! Behave! If you didn't have numptys who won't move out the way for emergency vehicles Kwak they wouldn't use blues & twos! Just the blues.

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Di @ 23/02/2008 13:17  

its not allowed i dont think after 11pm, unless (like u say) someone wont move. But if someone doesnt move then they will probably be stopped as theyre obviously blind (Have u seen how damn bright the blues are at night?!?!?!) Kwak - complain to them, they have to stop as its against regulations (Disturbing the peace etc). The sirens are for serious emergencies only, when there's traffic in the way. Get that pen and paper out Kwak.

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Matt @ 23/02/2008 13:38  

unfriendly people,who take a dislike to u for no apparent reason....erm,smelly nappies....people who park on the pavement so i have to go into the road with small child and pushchair.....grrrrr..!!

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witchiest @ 23/02/2008 13:44  


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Matt @ 23/02/2008 14:10  

<quote matt> its not allowed i dont think after 11pm, unless (like u say) someone wont move. But if someone doesnt move then they will probably be stopped as theyre obviously blind (Have u seen how damn bright the blues are at night?!?!?!) Kwak - complain to them, they have to stop as its against regulations (Disturbing the peace etc). The sirens are for serious emergencies only, when there's traffic in the way. Get that pen and paper out Kwak<unquote matt> Actually the emergency services are allowed to use sirens if deemed neccessary. The person in their way wont/shouldnt be stopped as they are obviously en route to an emergency. How would you feel if your parents were involved in a serious accident and found out the police/ambulance/fire stopped on the way there to 'have a word' with the dope that didnt see the lights? The time spent 'having a word' could mean the difference between life and death. See where i'm coming from here? Am sure most people wouldnt mind being woken from their comfy beds, if they realised that someones life could be at stake. Just my opinion of course

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darkcarnival @ 23/02/2008 14:12  

Yea i agree, hope they take the number plate though and 'do' em for not moving. Oh, and put prank 999 callers into room 101. They cost lives! And those idiots who attack fire crews. And traffic lights where roundabouts should be. Vandals/Graffiti. Dog crap next to the hond-uitlaatereinen! U want me to carry on?

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Matt @ 23/02/2008 14:23  

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