Good to meet ya Frank and to see the rest of you reprobates today. What a lovely day too. Balmy and, at times, positively tropical. Although I was glad of the retreat in doors😉
Lindsey just read your last txt after mine, sorry did mean to rub it in. Nice meeting with the Sheffield crew and those further afield. And the weather was warm for February
Nice try and good luck with that idea 66 ,unfortunately you can clean your own bloody bike lolol . Glyn62 was great to meet you and as you say it WAS warm fir Feb but I was a nice grey shade of blue by the time I got home [Ah the wonders of a retired persons walk=in bath purely medicinal honest hehehe] Was good to catch up with Vlad again [even if he has become a "summer biker" ROFLMFAO Tilpix and Frank thanks for your warm welcome and conversation [ members that can actually coverse with others Shock Horror ] hehehe A nice little gathering THANK YOU All
[ooops nearly forgot Frank who I didnt get chance to chat with [lucky man didnt have to get bored ]lol Hope to see you all again soon Ride and Keep safe
Nice meeting with you to Quiteman and having a good chin wag, thats when anyone could get a word in edge ways. Think I may be in for a slap from someone, am I right Lindsay?
Hi Susi, let's see what the weather does over the next couple of weekends. I'm always up for a coffee and a butty at Squires and it was good to meet everyone last Sunday.