If someone disables or gets their profile disabled all the PM's and nods will be removed and next to any posts will be the BM image and it will say Deleted Member. If you block someone and they make a new profile the system will not pick up on that, so then you should report the profile to the site mods by email and tell us why, the report button is only good if it's photos and or what's been wrote within the profile.
Been sat here reading the last couple of msgs, totally confuddled me for a while, am I correct in thinking that a 'nudge' is a 'nod'? Or has Matt done some fiddling with the wires n made something fancy that I've missed?
As Ragnar has explained, several times, if a profile is deleted then the nods disappear too.. It doesn't matter whether the profile is deleted by a mod or the profilee(not sure if I've just made that word up🤔)
Just to confuse the issue I nod to people whose profile I've looked at out of politeness... Unless FFS has caused me to open the profile by accident 🙄
I too have received nods from what I now understand are deleted profiles. I’d just like to say a big thank you to those folk that monitor BM and remove the scammers.