No one has mentioned Dr Who yet? I have a post card signed by Tom Baker..... Although that is straying a long way from the original question of this thread, so apologies to Lady Pegasus!
Just watched Red Dwarf: Promised land and even though it doesn't hold the same naïve charm of the original first couple of series, still killed a bit of time while naff all else is on.
Pretty much anything sci fi. I even remember the film dark star. Red dwarf was great when it involved both Grant and Naylor. Deadpool is a good film to watch 👌
Mother, Major, Tiny and Small, Soup Dragon, Iron Chicken, Froglets and blue string soup! What's not to like?! ❤️ I've got a full set kicking around in the loft somewhere 🤔🙄
Hard core Sci-fi fan. Altered Carbon S1&2 first class, S3 total tripe. Never really been into Star Wars, loved District 9 for it's sharp observations about apartheid while still keeping the film interesting. Edge of Tomorrow was excellent well executed and avoided the repetition of events masterfully to keep the audience engaged whereas the War of the Worlds remake also staring Cruise was a massive disappointment. If you're into different try Gantz:0 I think it's on Netflix or Steins Gate if you can find it but it takes 5 episodes to get going.