I may be brave and pop over 🤣 in my car though, far too cold and new for that distance. Do you all meet regularly?
There was a time when the die hard local members would meet up most weekends in the summer and quite often, but perhaps not as frequently, in the winter months.This will be the first time in months since I have been up to Squires. You do know it is obligatory to indulge in a hot chocolate on ones first visit. Kind of like the Squires version of rally virgin parade.
For those that don’t know the layout of Squires, walk through the front door past the bar towards the snooker table and down the steps on your right hand side, into the lower bar.
If you are going to join us, can you please stick your face on the event in the Calendar, so we know who we are looking out for👍🏻.
See you there! Looking forward to seeing you SteveH🥴
Well that was a good turnout, various known reprobates present and (in)correct, plus a few new faces. I had a good ride down and back, which is always questionable at this time of the year. And best of all I dodged the quiz 😉 So a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Bah Humbug to you all.
Glad you are home safe Steve. The quiz was very good I will have you know… a really good turnout, thanks to the pleasant weather. Well done to Linz for organising. Roll on 2024 for some nice events and ride outs. Special well done to Janine, Newbybiker, for braving your first BM get together. Look forward to seeing you again next year 🎄🎅🏻