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Odds for RC to be to 1000 posts

Odds for RC to be to 1000 posts (2) - Forums [Biker Match] Odds for RC to be to 1000 posts (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Odds for RC to be to 1000 posts

 Posts: 92       Pages: 2/5

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i no i need to get out more lol

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RC @ 09/10/2006 15:52  

You said it RC! Mind you we'd miss ya if you wasn't here.
At least we know where you are, we can keep an eye on you, make sure you behaving

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Moxey77 @ 09/10/2006 15:53  

i always behave me lol.................

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RC @ 09/10/2006 15:56  

But only on days that end with "y"

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Moxey77 @ 09/10/2006 15:58  

haha thats everyday

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RC @ 09/10/2006 16:18  

No dice RC You're a clever girl you know.

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Moxey77 @ 09/10/2006 16:19  

i could lock RCs account for a bit. Or i could just create a hidden topic and put 1000 posts in it from me. That was my point! Cant be arsed tho, lol

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Matt @ 09/10/2006 17:19  

awwwwwwwww dont lock me out pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee im havin major pc probs at the mo

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RC @ 09/10/2006 17:36  

Top forum posters Username No. Posts rock chick 988 bitchplay 499 2wheels7days 496 rubecula 430 Matt 374 thomsondiane 260 storm 200 kay 137 Sweetheart 88 oggy 83

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Matt @ 09/10/2006 17:42  

bloody hell i need to work harder lmao

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Sexysmirnoff @ 09/10/2006 17:54  

lol yeah u do bp lmao

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RC @ 09/10/2006 18:49  

Oh jeezus I'm on a top twenty list..... Ithink I should disappear for 6 months

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rubecula @ 09/10/2006 20:34  

congrats rc and ty to 2ws for my posts will have to slow down cos gettin typin finger !!!!! i'll have no fingerprints left cos an wearin them out !!!!!

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storm @ 10/10/2006 07:44  

Well done RC, the 20 quid is on it's way to you

Comiserations to those that didn't make it there before RC, but at least it means a cheaper night for me

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Moxey77 @ 10/10/2006 11:42  

And also congrats to BP for reaching 500 post

Ooops, I have aswell, so congrats to me as well

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Moxey77 @ 10/10/2006 11:47  

wooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooo 2ws an bp you both deserve a cheer hoooooo raaaaaaa hip hip hooray

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storm @ 10/10/2006 11:54  

2w your a postin ! bin on your website today.tried to leave a cheeky little message but the system wouldnt let me.!

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kay @ 10/10/2006 11:58  

Hmmm, how bizzare, cos it won't let me get into the webmaster area to update the site, I've got a pile of pics and a write up from the rally I went to and I can't friggin do it

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Moxey77 @ 10/10/2006 12:05  

No, scrub that, it's letting me on now. So have another go Kay, it might just have been the servers playing up.

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Moxey77 @ 10/10/2006 12:06  

i cant get on my msn

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RC @ 10/10/2006 12:08  

 Posts: 92       Pages: 2/5

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