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General Chat/Anything Goes


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 Posts: 98       Pages: 2/5

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Who said I was fun? Somedays you surf, somedays you wax your board....

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TeeCee @ 09/06/2008 15:05  

Oh well.......*gets knotted hanky on shoulder and slopes back to the drum forum*

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Scary @ 09/06/2008 15:15  

*waves goodbye to Scary* (sorry Scary - I really have to get some work done on a wheelchair I am designing)

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TeeCee @ 09/06/2008 15:24  

Now look what ya did, mate! ya scared of Scary!

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GettaLong @ 09/06/2008 16:01  

Yep, it's a talent... I have a built in female deterrent! At least she wasn't crying... (or being sick)

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TeeCee @ 09/06/2008 16:18  

Scared of Scary??? Not scared off!!! Surely not!! Here is a biker who'd love to play with those lovely bongo's lol (sorry TC but if you are not going to say it!!!!) lmao

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Hull750Rider @ 09/06/2008 16:27  

I don't play bongo's, I play conga's.....Lmao

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Scary @ 09/06/2008 16:37  

scary's conga's mmmmmmmmmm!

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tangoman60 @ 09/06/2008 19:48  

Don't do yourself down, TC, we can always rely on you to bring something to the table - usually a nice piece of venison!

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Deleted Member @ 10/06/2008 06:20  

Missed this... tell us more TC... about this wheelchair... Always on the look-out for new wheelchairs! Tell you what would be REALLY useful... and that's a wheelchair with perhaps a hydraulic set-up, to change from a seated position into a laying down position... i.e. stretcher-like. My Pa has a dreadful pressure sore and has been told that he'll probably never be able to spend more than 4 hours in the chair per day... it's just never likely to heal properly... well that's no fun is it?! You can't go out too far from home, because you need to be near the hoist/bed. But if he could lay horizontal in the chair for a while, he could stay out for longer. Maybe they already exist and I just haven't found them yet?

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Wannabe @ 10/06/2008 06:29  

Wot a lot of baloney - u just want it 4 yourself, to make it easier 4 u to get flat on your back!

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Deleted Member @ 10/06/2008 06:37  


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Deleted Member @ 10/06/2008 07:13  

* checks passport still valid *

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Deleted Member @ 10/06/2008 07:13  

*chortles* Well I DO road-test all his wheelchairs so you could have a point! He has an adapted car that comes with its own wheelchair... very cool... you wheel up to the driver's door, push the button, the hydraulic hoist comes out, you hook the chair to it... it lifts you and the chair into the air, retracts the wheels on the chair, then swivels you into the car and dumps you behind the steering wheel and locks the chair into place. Neat! Dad's not quite got the hang of it yet though and I'm trying to make a thing that he can lift his legs/feet with a bit easier... the "specially designed" one is rubbish! You have to angle your foot to slip it into the sling bit... Dur....! If you're paralysed you can't angle your foot! lol Brain in gear please, designers!

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Wannabe @ 10/06/2008 07:13  

Passport? Chicken!

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Wannabe @ 10/06/2008 07:14  

Neat. But do they make one for a bike? TM might be interested!

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Deleted Member @ 10/06/2008 07:19  

XKLYBR - the really fresh venison is deer right now... *badoom tish*

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TeeCee @ 10/06/2008 07:21  

...and I thought my gags were bad...

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Deleted Member @ 10/06/2008 07:24  

TC!!! Actually... maybe you had a point about your passport XY...?! lol

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Wannabe @ 10/06/2008 07:28  

Wannabe - from what I have seen so far, I am appalled at the equipment being supplied for people with disability. It is some of the least user friendly, least intuitive and worst looking apparatus I have ever seen! All I can think of is that for the money they charge all of the funds go to the research staff in laboratories & universities and none on the actual physical design of the equipment... *rant over* I am actually working with a client in Malvern who runs a charity called ARCOS that mainly deals with children and adults with Cerebral Palsy, providing therapy to help them overcome communication and eating (swallowing) difficulties. One of the things I am working on for them is a wheelchair with a saddle rather than a seat, and a complex back and head support system. The saddle helps them with stability & posture and hopefully the wheelchair will be so desirable that even able bodied people would love to own one (we will see....). As for your dad, there are already wheelchairs that go from sitting to standing and there are also standing support sytems where the weight is taken on front of the chest. If you like I can PM you some links.

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TeeCee @ 10/06/2008 07:34  

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