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The Martial Arts thread.......

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The Martial Arts thread.......

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*bins powerful torch plan*

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tangoman60 @ 28/07/2008 09:11  


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Wannabe @ 28/07/2008 09:14  

shall i keep the rabbit suit?

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tangoman60 @ 28/07/2008 09:44  

YES!!!! oops... posting out loud again.. *cough*

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TeeCee @ 28/07/2008 10:31  

doesnt take much does it TC? hope your niece hasnt any pet rabbits!! ''why has unca TC alwaysgot the rabbit on his lap?an why is it smiling?''

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tangoman60 @ 28/07/2008 10:39  

lmao!! (in my defense, it is better than a foot muff.....) I actually wore a white rabbit suit to meet someone at Edinburgh Airport (it was a good few years ago but I still rung up the airport to make sure it was okay with security). She was having a rough time so I invited her up to Scotland to escape for a while. Got there.. went to the toilet... changed into my outfit... flight was delayed... bounced around with some kids for a while... flight came in.... the gate was changed at the last minute and I didn't realise... eventually found her... she was horrified/mortified/embarrassed/shocked etc..... and to add insult to injury we both bent down to pick her bags up and I poked her in the eye with my ear!! Absolute disaster.... (although we were in tears with hysterics talking about it afterwards). I still for the life of me can't think why I thought it was a good idea at the time... Think I have some pics of my outfit somewhere - will post them on my profile if I find them....

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TeeCee @ 28/07/2008 10:52  

I would say that a sizeable majority of females would not be able to better most males in a "fair" fight, so the only option to defend yourself, if attacked is to fight dirty... Without meaning to sound as pretentious as I actually am..... Absolute bollocks!! One of the things women love about our system is that there are no rules. ANYTHING is a valid target, even if it's only to distract an attacker and let you reach a more disabling target. Women may be physically weaker, but even a child possesses the power delivery to drop someone. Even to kill with the right blow. A 'fair fight' is what happens in the boxing ring. In real life there are no rules and it's usually not one-on-one with both people starting in a ready stance and out of distance. Like I said - Teach a woman the basics, give her a Broadsword or a Quarterstaff and watch her do just as well as the blokes. History abounds with tales of women like Long Meg, who did just that!! I suppose my rather unpopular willingness to smack a woman in the face is born of this teaching, which is founded on roughly 1,000 years of violent English history - It doesn't matter whether it's someone tall, short, fat, thin, male, female or whatever - The only thing you worry about is that there's a weapon heading toward you that will kill you unless you do something about it. For the record, the only times I have (so far) hit a woman is during sparring when they wore helmets and an accidental elbow when (against my advice) she tickled me!!

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ttaskmaster @ 28/07/2008 11:05  

What system do you study, ttaskmaster? I am in agreement with Wannabe's statement, in it's original context. Most attacks on a woman would be of a surprise grappling type, normally by an opponent who would assume he could overpower his victim by size or power. There would be no facing up to the victim, no adrenaline rush to fall back on.

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TeeCee @ 28/07/2008 11:19  

Let me qualify my statement... I would say that a sizeable majority of females would not be able to better most males in a "fair" fight, so the only option to defend yourself, if attacked is to fight dirty... In the absence of any training in martial arts, or any other methods of fighting/self defence. I'm not talking about women who've learned how to fight. I'm talking about women trying to go about their business and being attacked by a bloke.

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Wannabe @ 28/07/2008 11:54  

The use of the word "fair" was intended for reading with an air of irony ;o)

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Wannabe @ 28/07/2008 11:58  

Have to agree with wannabe,in any attack instinct takes over so a lot depends on your personality.In any disipline training is evreything and those repetive moves will become second nature. For any ladies out there i would highly recommend tai disparaging remarks from serious sportsters please!!.Its fun,keeps you super fit and will not only teach you moves relevant to the real world but will give you the ability to improvise when the situation demands.

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Deleted Member @ 29/07/2008 04:43  

CQB 1987-97 both types and I'm still scared of rolled up newspapers. Seeing a 17 stone wall of muscle dropped with a copy of the sun is priceless. In the words of one instructor " The best defence is a quick brain and a dumb mouth, failing that keep the engine running!"

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ghosthunter @ 29/07/2008 07:06  

And just to enter the discussion on men versus women........ Its women and you'll know why if you ever went Ireland during the troubles. same goes for Russia,Balkans.

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ghosthunter @ 29/07/2008 07:20  

What system do you study, ttaskmaster? The historical English system. It has no actual name, coz it was as common a skill as driving is today. It was often called The Noble Science of Defense, but today we simply refer to it as English Martial Arts. Google up George Silver for full details... albeit in Middle English vernacular. I would say that a sizeable majority of females would not be able to better most males in a "fair" fight, so the only option to defend yourself, if attacked is to fight dirty... In the absence of any training in martial arts, or any other methods of fighting/self defence. I would say that's the only way to fight. I don't stand on ceremony and I have no compunctions about kicking a guy's nuts up into his chest cavity. Silly chivalric conduct and honour in combat is the stuff of Samurai (whose ultimate goal was to die in a chosen fashion anyway) and foreign medieval nobility (who were afraid of getting a bloody nose). Here in England, they may have won the 'moral victory', but they're also the ones lying dead on the floor (which doesn't look very honourable). You do what you must to win the fight. There are no rules in a real fight and since you're the only one who can do anything about it, you should do everything you can. I think the only reason most women are unable to defend themselves is that modern life teaches them to be victims. Society has us trusting in the Police and mobile phones for defence. Rely instead on your own natural abilities. Everyone knows how to defend themselves instinctively - All animals do. You know the vulnerable points on a person because you know to cover your own when danger is imminent. Hit those and use the opportunity to escape. Also, if you have any concern for your safety, stop wearing high heels!!! They are impractical and hinder your defence. I for one think women are far sexier in combat boots anyway. Training in a Martial Art is all good and well, but it takes a long time for the moves to become instinctive. In the meantime, your own body will tell you what you can do. no disparaging remarks from serious sportsters please!! Awww............ Actually, mine isn't a sport, it's for real. Does that mean the request doesn't apply to me? Many people recommend various martial arts classes, but those are only good if you want to be a fighter. If you want to defend yourself from surprise attacks and so on, get Self-Defence classes instead. Be careful here too, though - There are a number of these that incorporate techniques from various martial arts. Forgive my arrogance, but these are utter crap. Forget the latest system, forget any claims about what Special Forces use. Even if the techniques are valid, they require years of training to become properly effective. A proper Self Defence class will focus instead on attitude and simple little things you can do to stay safe. For example; - Walk down the street with confidence, but don't get complacent and start listening to your Ipod or anything. Be aware of your surroundings, be watching the dark corners and be ready to move if necessary. - Have your keys out of your purse and in your hand long before you even turn down your street, let alone get to your front door. These can also be used as a weapon*, so having them ready gives another advantage. - Keep one of those thick Womens' magazines handy. Roll it up as tight as you can and even bind it with an elastic band. This also makes a good weapon*. Despite all my training and whatever capabilities I have to mercilessly hack an opponent to a bloody death, I myself have not ever actually been attacked or had a fight. I'm scrawny and boyishly innocent-looking. But I believe it's my attitude above all else that has kept me safe. *You don't really need special training to use a weapon either - Use it to hit the vulnerable point that you already know about!!!

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ttaskmaster @ 29/07/2008 07:45  

"I'm scrawny and boyishly innocent-looking. " In what picture would that be then? LOL And you are totally correct in all above points, many systems that claim to be performed by military personel are anything but. Yes some moves may indeed work but you would only be fooling yourself if for one minute you thought it would stave off a substained frenzied or determined attack. Plus to their disadvantage if you recognise the style you are up against you know how to counter it. I think a lot of men (and we know the type) practice martial arts purely for the bragging rights and to try and get some aura of hardness. Real men, I'm sure you will agree, will rarely be in a position to be reduced to fight hand to hand. Far better to judge a situation and if possible leave before it kicks off. I'd sooner be a live mouse than a dead lion. Personally ttaskmaster I like the cut of you're jib but do please leave that Fawn alone....its barely legal!

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ghosthunter @ 29/07/2008 08:55  

In what picture would that be then? LOLWell, so I'm told. Apparently, women go for the 'dangerous' look... and tell me I look simply 'cute'.... Yes some moves may indeed work but you would only be fooling yourself if for one minute you thought it would stave off a substained frenzied or determined attack. Indeed, but to work them, you need to have trained for years in order to make them instinctive responses. Plus to their disadvantage if you recognise the style you are up against you know how to counter it. Not always so, I'd say.... That's what I like about the system I study. So many Arts, especially the newer ones are based on "If he does, this you do that. If he does this instead, then you do XY and Z" and so on. A whole system of moves based on reactions. Usually it's a block and counter thing, too. Here's a quote for ya:"because they in their rapier-fight stand upon so many intricate tricks that in all the course of a man's life it shall be hard to learn them, and if they miss in doing the least of them in their fight, they are in danger of death". The new Arts especially focus very much on this, usually developed from people talking their way through fights and finding solutions there that work OK under explanation, but at full speed fall flat on their backsides. Instead, you want a simple system, like several of the historical European systems that are re-entering popularity these days (some of those are crap too, though). Basically, you want a system that says;"Whatever he does, no matter what, do this one thing. Maybe even do it first, before he does anything. Then take control of the fight". Usually, this is getting to an appropriate distance from which you can control the fight. Muhammad Ali fought like this, you may notice - Always going backward, making his opponent come to him and then sniping when the guy reached the precise range and position Ali needed. Incidentally, that quote was from George Silver waaaaaaaaaayyyyy back in 1598, talking about the 'newest' ultimate fencing technique from Italy. It was the Elizabethan version of Krav Magna.... or Stav!!! I think a lot of men (and we know the type) practice martial arts purely for the bragging rights and to try and get some aura of hardness. That'll be me, then :DOK, I don't do it purely for the bragging - I want to be an effective fighter, I like the company my system attracts (we're all rather intelligent and intellectual, for a bunch of thugs!!), the cameraderie, the scrapping, the blood and battle that makes us friends, the drinks afterward that makes us family, the historical interest and the pride in my heritage and the manliness of playing with big swords, sticks and pole-axes.... for real!!! Mostly it was just because I wanted to learn how to fight with a sword. I was into Live Roleplay back then. Once I started training properly, I never went back. Real men, I'm sure you will agree, will rarely be in a position to be reduced to fight hand to hand. Yep, I agree. REAL men have at the least a Broadsword, if not a Quarterstaff or a Billhook. Smart REAL men have a bow and are a few hundred feet away. Far better to judge a situation and if possible leave before it kicks off. Oh, I see what you mean...... Yes. Diffuse the situation!!Capt. John Godfrey wrote a treatise in 17-something, where he says it is far better to settle a quarrell over a hearty cup and drink to friends. Thing is, it doesn't work so well with your average bunch of scrotes. Personally ttaskmaster I like the cut of you're jib Must be a Service thing... They say you can never disguise it..... but do please leave that Fawn alone....its barely legal!I'm grooming it for some lovely, soft deerskin boots :D

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ttaskmaster @ 29/07/2008 09:27  

lol @ ttaskmaster. When I said up agains a certain style I of course ment the more set pattern based styles such as some forms of karate...kung fu to a lesser extent. A more flexible system would indeed be hard to judge as its a difficult thing to judge how off the chain someone is. I find that if they are crimson red,sweating,foaming at the mouth and holding a shattered glass then Its time to scarper!.....think he mentioned words like " wife!......" somewhere as well.

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ghosthunter @ 29/07/2008 10:11  

i did karate as a kid,hated it,althought that could have been my instructor who always picked me for demonstrations lol,my older bro got to 2nd dan and again would practise all his moves out on me and younger bro,so my memorys of martial arts aint a good one,,,i find a really good kick in the gonads helps,failing that just nick his wallet and go on a shopping spree with his credit cards,now that would really kick him were it hurts,,,by the way ghosty loving that pic lol

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katydevil @ 29/07/2008 10:51  

I think the only reason most women are unable to defend themselves is that modern life teaches them to be victims. Agreed to a certain extent... Many girls are taught to be "sugar and spice and all things nice"... We're told off for raising our voices... let alone actually getting into a fight! and it saddens me to see/hear little girls dreaming of being a "supermodel" or even worse, a "footballer's wife"... this is the 21st Century FFS! This is Britain! A woman here can aspire to be whatever she desires, she has both educational and employment opportunities galore. Sheesh! And they still want to depend on a man providing for them?! Some ambition. I spent 5 years working in security... quite a few people offered to teach me various techniques, but frankly, I figured a little knowledge would be a dangerous thing in that sort of situation and attempting some move or other that I didn't really know would only get me into serious grief. I found an air of confidence helped... and to be fairly quick-witted in a self-deprecating manner... If you can get the potential protagonists laughing, they're way less likely to start fighting ;o) I must admit it used to give me great pleasure whenever some plank would start with the "Oh yeah? And what could YOU possibly do to stop me?" while looking up & down all 5' 2" of me... you'd see the cogs slowly whirring as they worked it out... light would dawn... you could practically see the thought bubble over their heads (Blimey! What COULD she do to me? She could put me on my rrrrs in front of all my mates and make me look a complete eejit!)... ;o) All I had to do was smile sweetly and help them believe it ;o) Suddenly as good as gold, bless 'em. While inwardly I'd breathe a sigh of relief for managing to blag it once again ;o) And the times when it's already escalated beyond the point of talking down, you still have the advantage, even as a shortarsed feeble girlie as most of the time, they're under the influence and you're stone cold sober... they THINK they can fight the world, whereas in fact, they're about as effective as a chocolate teapot. ;o)

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Wannabe @ 29/07/2008 10:53  

I find that if they are crimson red,sweating,foaming at the mouth and holding a shattered glass then Its time to scarper!..... It never ceases to amaze me though, just how many people are incapable of appreciating such subtle signals and exercising their common sense to GTFO of such situations ;o)

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Wannabe @ 29/07/2008 10:56  

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