VTR - u have done something wrong. You overreacted to earlier posts which u misinterpreted.
We all want you to post parties up, and are thankful that you posted this up. Folks were just mentioning it clashed and it was YOU that went off the wall, PMd me and other moderators and basically spat your dummy out.
You've now been put back in your place, we've handed you your dummy back, but you still don't see what you did wrong.
So, to review this message in case it gets taken the wrong way...
We're thankful for you posting an event
Please continue to post events
You misunderstood earlier posts, nobody's fault just how it is
You overreacted to them posts, this is your fault
You were corrected and we explained the posts were not meant in the way you took them
You sent moaning tantrum messages via PM to several people, mods and myself
You were again corrected
You still don't see you've done anything wrong.
I also tell it how it is.
...Now it's end of.
PS: Yes I am watching, always. lol I'm in the Alps at the moment, but it's peeing down so I'm hotel-bound and bored.