On flood call this week mate,back on gritting call next week. Never a quiet day in my life as you know. Just one night of total peace would be nice,but then i'd get bored. Haha.
you? bored?....don't think so geez....not when you've been given the momentus task of saving planet earth from imminent attack from aliens on yer x box!
On call of duty these days mate,get the yanks online at night and they don't know the meaning of hiding behind walls. They stand on them Rambo style,then get capped in the head. Har har.
Sounds wicked!....i've been purposely avoiding getting into all that sort of stuff, cause i know what i'm like...i.e. i'll get totally addicted, instantly, and will seldom venture from my room ever again!!........*feel my willpower weakening though, may have to have a quiet word in santas shell like*