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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

Friendly Bikers Rally Meeting 4th Jan

Friendly Bikers Rally Meeting 4th Jan  (2) - Forums [Biker Match] Friendly Bikers Rally Meeting 4th Jan  (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Friendly Bikers Rally Meeting 4th Jan

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hey there - hope you all had a good day today. Sos couldn't be there.

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Holmfirthgirl @ 04/01/2009 18:41  

Thanks Stella Was a good meeting.. i think we're doing well.. got quite a few things sorted. Hope you can get to the next one .. (tbc)

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Karey @ 04/01/2009 21:10  

Hi all,great meet today,still thawing out tho!! Lots sorted but too tired now,will post again tomorrow with all relevant details. Many thanks to all who came

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Deleted Member @ 04/01/2009 22:24  

First of all would like to say many thanks to those who once again braved the elements and attended the meeting; Steve,Allen,XK,Mike,Ken,Dugald,Karey,Steph,Rachael,Geoff,Caz,Mark and myself.Pics will be on events shortly. Great progress was made at this meeting,we now have a bank account up and running,many thanks to Caz and Steve for that. Steve has also been working hard on a logo and posters for the up and coming fundraiser,these will shortly be available to all,we are asking that anyone who lives within reasonable travelling distance to Wath print half a dozen posters and disribute them in their local area. Ticket prices have now been confirmed at £12 pre booked,£15 on the gate,tickets will be available to pre book by the begining of Feb,please support us by booking early as we desperatly need some working capital,and you don't want to miss out on the event of the decade cos you dragged your feet. We are in need of raffle prizes for the fundraiser on Jan 31st,all donations,no matter how small will be most gratefully recived.If you can help please post/pm,attendence is not required to make a donation,we will organise collection wherever we can. We now have contacts for cheap marquee hire,and 1 def and poss 2 loaned gennys,many thanks to Mike and Steph. We still need to hear from anyone out there who has a band and would be willing to play for expenses,also a disco is still required.We need to hear as soon as poss from people who have already shown an interest to confirm or decline as we need to start looking elsewhere soon if we want to have decent entertainment. Thanks also go to Mark,who is going to provide the first aid kits required,and XK who is going to organise the marshalls.We still need more people to put themselves forwards for some marshalling duties,the more we have the less hours individuals need to put in. An outline itenary for the rally has been proposed as; Fri night,low key start,bar and all traders will be open but entertainment will be provided by the event goers in the form of a bit of a jam.Any 'musicians'will be asked to bring their instuments and join in the fun. Sat morn;hangovers and breakfast,sat afternoon games.a ride out was discussed but it was felt that it would be more sociable,fun and not to mention legal if we made our own fun and games at the rally site,many suggestions have already been made for old faves and some new ventures but all ideas/suggestions are welcomed. Sat night,some young local bands are going to be given the opportunity to play at a live event followed by 2/3 established,experianced bands.Disco to end the night for those who can still stand.Tea/coffee and sandwhiches will be available till the wee sma hours(many thanks Allen)There will also be a hog roast on sat night as well as the usual traders and chuck wagons. Sun,sober up,decamp and bugger off.Sun night marshalls party followed by clean up mon morn. Traders fees have been set at £25,(£15 for bm members)and £50 for chuck wagons.We will be advertising soon for traders so anyone who would like a pitch please let yourselves be known. All details of the fundraiser on the 31st will soon be on the events calender,so please help us get this rally off the ground in any way you can. There is soon to be a friendly bikers website dedicated to the rally and events leading up to it(save us clogging up bm)many thanks once again to Allen for this. At the momment it is still very much the few working their butts off,if anyone can spare just a few hours to help,in any way shape or form,or is prepared to organise a fundraiser local to themselves ,please get in touch.We have great plans to make this a fun,unique rally and the more money we can raise the more we can promise evreyone a rally to be remembered.

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Deleted Member @ 05/01/2009 14:56  

Thanks for that Cassie, I may know of someone who could provide a food van... will have more info at the weekend

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Karey @ 05/01/2009 15:46  

Pics now on events calendar

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fastjock @ 11/01/2009 20:43  

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