Bitchplay, I think you've won the prize on this couldn't get much naughtier than having an unrestrained and violent rabbit!
Had a good laugh, keep up the good work!
lol lol lol thanx paul im very outspoken sumtimes it offends but who cares as for the rabbit i think theres summit wrong with him he keeps getting the shakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My rabbit only lasted 2 weeks then died
4 dogs for 4 dogs, yip u got a deal but obvioulsy I will have to send my 2 kids with the dogs just so they can keep an eye on em for u (they are nearly 18 and 19 and worse now than they were when they were little, they can now get outta the cupboard)
U have my sympathies Witchiest but there is a light at the end of the tunnel girls, its great when they grow up, ok a whole new set of problems but u can just pack your bike up, wave at em and say right see after the rally
lol bp hunny mines got raging hormones at the mo an a gob bigger than the mersey tunnel so am wiv ya there but jak goes at 8 and get home 3.30 so na na i got longer than you !!!!!!!!!!!
i dont mind that lookin forward to the break from routine and a lie in, mind ive only got the one dont know which is worse cos at least more could amuse each other
god the hols there a bloody nite mare they shud ban school ones i have my 3 youngest and when the 2 older ones here it drives me up the wall !!!!! cum on sumone av mine pllllllleaaaaasweeeeeeee