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Children at events/shows

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Children at events/shows

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At least a pissed adult moves in slow motion , easier to avoid , ha..ha lol , kids dash about like mini greyhounds in all bloomin directions .

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excalibur @ 15/06/2009 22:02  

Pissed adults also tend to get in the way of most things moving or not.

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Deleted Member @ 15/06/2009 22:04  

You're right ricdude , adults out of control are a danger to everyone pissed or otherwise , unfortunately a common site at a lot of rallies which makes it more risky with kids running around .

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excalibur @ 16/06/2009 07:01  

why not just advertise at more adult based events that children under 16 not allowed, and at the more family based ones any age, but children must be kept on a lead at all times !!!

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Deleted Member @ 16/06/2009 12:11  

pmsl personally rallies r my chill out time so takin all my kids (3) would have been out of the question even if i cud. now they r grown they do cum in handy for the mornin brew run tho !! lol bless our t gnome...xx

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chunkichick @ 16/06/2009 14:32  

lol, as a mom of 2 boys (21 & 19 now) I have to agree nothing worse than kids being taken some place they didnt want to go in the 1st place. I am just waiting now to see which one makes me a granny 1st then its pay back for all the times that they got me

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Deleted User @ 16/06/2009 15:27  

I'm with Lou, Geoff et al regarding the parenting advice. Can't stand badly behaved children but I'm afraid my idea of badly behaved differs quite a lot from most other peoples. Guess that's why I've never had kids and don't plan to.

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Roachy @ 16/06/2009 18:17  

Same as that Roachy... Oh hang on... I can't now anyway! Phew!

I should also have said that there were a few shining examples of extremely well behaved kids at the show, whose parents should feel proud at a job well done. Including one lad of about 11 who was with his Dad's mate and came to look at my stall a couple of times... he really wanted a skull bracelet... his Dad's mate even offered him the money to buy one, but he said "No thanks, I've got enough money, I just want to wait for Dad to make sure it's OK."

Sure enough, a while later, he returned to the stall with Dad in tow and got his permission to spend his 99p

I have a friend who lives less than 5 miles away who I rarely see now, because I'm so close to slapping her brats it's untrue! She drives me NUTS with her lack of control over them and their subsequent behaviour... And another who lives in Cardiff who I make any excuse to see, as her children are an absolute joy

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Wannabe @ 16/06/2009 19:05  

I can honestly say that in the last 3 years of F&F that only one kid has sat on a bike in the custom show and that was his Dad's bike.

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Deleted Member @ 16/06/2009 19:18  

I haven't got a problem with kids at a rally. I've been to loads where kids were there and by and large they haven't caused any problems.

Well apart from them running round and screaming at early'o'clock in the morning when you're trying to sleep after geting back to your tent at daft'o''clock.

But then again, maybe that's your own fault for not testing the lie of the land when you were pitching your tent.

Maybe we should introduce a family enclosure at rallys?

Just a thought.

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vinnie @ 16/06/2009 19:59  

I dont usually take my three girls to bike stuff as they would be bored to tears...its my time alone without them...Fay has liked some of the events shes been to..she used to frequently go pilly with her Dad to many biking places....but she knows she has to behave or else!!

LOL at all the parenting techniques!!! Made me giggle..need a giggle today! THANKS!

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bikerchick1966 @ 16/06/2009 20:37  

some people dont have a choice to go to rallys and take there kids not everyone can get sitters or afford one for a whole weekend, plus kids are the future for rallys, i take my son to the one night rallys he loves it, but we also need adult time toooooo....

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RC @ 16/06/2009 20:42  

I don't go to rallies, they're not my 'thing' but if I did I wouldn't go to ones where kids are allowed cos they're not my thing either. When we lived abroad, where kids would be welcome in the bars, I would get a babysitter for my son when I wanted to go out in the evening. I don't like sharing my leisure time with screaming/noisy kids and the moment one kicks off I leave. The ones who made the most noise were British, the native kids were used to being out in bars with their families and so were well behaved. But folk who go to rallies that accept kids should keep quiet if those kids annoy them cos they have the choice to go to rallies that don't accept kids.

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Sandi @ 16/06/2009 21:46  

liking the thought of family enclosure Steve,good compromise

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Deleted Member @ 16/06/2009 21:48  

I can remember a time when my son was small and young and I would have loved time out without him. Now he's nearly 20 and I want him to come along with me sometimes, and he won't!!! How times change .... mind you he would like to come to a rally and has no money, so tough - its mum's time to play

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suzyamki @ 16/06/2009 22:17  

Don't misunderstand me... I've said many times that I approve of people being able to bring their kids along to events...

Particularly weekend long events. It's a chance for a family to spend time together at low cost, which is not easy these days, with often both parents working full time, just to make the ends meet. Families should take advantage of being able to spend time together.

The only thing I object to is these parents absolving themselves of all responsibility for their offspring and allowing them to run around completely unaccompanied while they sleep off their boozing in the afternoon... or the same boozed up parents messing around with their kids in the main arena late at night, causing a nuisance of themselves and a danger to their own children and others around them.

I've been attending events for over 20 years and I'd just like to know when it suddenly became "acceptable" for such behaviour?

Or when parents decided it'd be a great idea to send the 3-6 yr old sprogs off to play on their bikes/pushchairs and scooters by the main gate when everyone's trying to leave the site.

Like I say - they are "YOUR" children. "YOU" are responsible for them. If you can't be arsed to be a responsible parent, then why'd you have 'em in the first place? It's not as though it's impossible to avoid pregnancy these days!

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Wannabe @ 16/06/2009 23:31  

I also have many friends who are single parents and you'll notice whenever I arrange a meet, I try to ensure that it's at a child-friendly venue (excluding pub band nights obviously! lol). I want to be able to spend time with my friends and if they have children, I want to include them as much as possible.

This is not an anti-child rant, it's an anti-crap parenting rant

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Wannabe @ 16/06/2009 23:34  

i agree with ya wannabe i cant look after my self when im drunk never mind my son ...and i have to say in 15 years my lad has see me drunk only twice and that was my birthday last year and this year....... and my family was there to look after him to my bro is t total...

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RC @ 17/06/2009 00:20  

We get alot of people coming for the day to look at the bikes and they bring their kids,sometimes only for 3 or 4 hours. Should we turn them away for the sake of the nighttime party people? The answer to that is no we won't. Parents staying the weekend keep their kids out of the bar area at night and if we see them in there under age we ask them to leave the bar. As for family enclosure. Right,shut them off from everyone else and make them feel like their not wanted in with the main crowd and that could really piss them off. At our show its for the family and if people don't like it then don't come. We want everyone to enjoy it young and old.

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Deleted Member @ 17/06/2009 17:05  

i did used to take my son to rallies from the age of 5 but he neva left my side and he was very well behaved, but as he got older and didnt want to stay with his mam then i became more selective in where i took him, dividing my rallies to chill and kid friendly ralies for him, its just common sence really, tho i have been very lucky in having a very understanding mother who babysat free any weekend i he's 20 n wont even go on bk o me....not cool enuf!!

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chunkichick @ 17/06/2009 17:58  

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