"The cuddly one that stomps everywhere.. Chunki"
ahem, dont u mean the quiet, shy, slender, retiring one who purrs ever so mildly....
ok u got me.. loud, heavy footed, scrappy, sharp claws, looks like bin through a hedge backwards...that'll be me
Hey CC.. You aint seen my hair in the mornings... looks like dragged thu a hedge backwards is a mild way of putting it... even my straighteners walk out the door when they know they've got to get thru my haystack, hence will always be seen at rallies with her hat on in the mornings rain or shine!!!
Shell - what ya trying to say like?? (said in a geordie typee accent ) ......
Welll ..... if da cap fits kiddo!!! (said in bestest Italian accent)
Good job you know me Stells lol
no no no more kittens lmao, just got back from matlock, kittens are well and so is mum, squeaking well...if any of you lot are near leicestershire your more than welcome to let me know i will brew up and ya can see em for yourselves
The kittens look gorgeous Ian.
Roachy I would say just like people not all cats are that way inclined & some have very good maternal instincts, having had cats that have been very good moms even when not done.
Yes I know Shell, that's why I said *can* not *will* abandon.