Lawrence of Arabia Vincent Black Shadow (If I'm not mistaken)
Biker Boyz crap film (still got it somewhere lol)
Officer and a Gentleman (Bonny again)
Silver Dream Racer (Spondon UK were commissioned to build a bike the film paid for it to be built even though Suzuki wanted to "give" the film a full race bike) Suzuki SP370 in scene where David Essex is drunk and pulls a few wheelies on an erm borrowed bike!
"Electra Glide in Blue" Tangoman suppised toy din not remember that lol.
Mad Max "Gooses Z1000 that locks it's back wheel and throws him off"
Thunderball "007" The XT500s that race down the cresta run Innsbrooke (Stuntman killed on that Film)
Never Say Never again "Sean Connory's 1 off out of Sequence bond film"
opps "Quadraphinia" Few Bikes in that too.
Tuc Tuc race "Golden Eye??" Uses a Tuc Tuc with heavily modified "500cc Crosser engined mad real stunts no CGI in that one"
Tomorrow Never Dies Pearce Brosnens Chase on a BMW 1200c
"Golden Eye" again Cagiva 500
Sorry was "For Your Eyes only" XT500s
and again "Tuc Tucs" Octopusy
Does a wet bike count??? "Spy Who Loved me!
Well maybe the Side car and motorcycle (Z900)from same film then lol (side car was "fired" at bonds car)
"Trikes" Honda ATV's Diamonds are forever (the chase with the moon Buggy)