i luv taboo not had any for years has anyone tried steamer, its like a type of rummy, whiskey, winey booze, know morrisons used to sell it, packs a good punch an ya drunk in no time.
nah dont drink much meself rube, had a little snifter on xmas eve with rc an bwb but not touched any since, may have a horlicks new years eve lol but that will be it till june
lol rc will just go an buy a bunch of coconuts an make you a DIY kit for the malibu, bwb is good at DIY fruit salads !!!!!!!!!
an rube can use the coconut cases to enhance his peformance of the dance of the seven zulu's. will have to take him outside to throw the beer though !!!! you know me rc an bwb !!!!!
lol, yeah we do u dont stop even on xmas day! pmsl how many times did u hoover up? 6 was it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol about bwb and his diy fruit salad but we wont go there!
yep 6 times hunny but the hoover would have felt lonly and not part of xmas if i didnt, couldn't do that to my mate !!!!! an gawd all that paper shredded by a dog did me head in
an no fruit salad private joke just between mates
I don't usually make resolutions but this year I've decided to make one, to walk more... tho that won't be difficult as I can never get a lift lol...once my toe has healed and I can get my shoe back on.
What's yours?