It'll all come right in the end, I know, but I'm just frustrated at having to ask for help all the time (for help, read cash!)... up to just a few months back, I was giving my folks £150 a month to try & help them out in a small way... now I'm having to go cap in hand to them every month... It sucks!
WB dont feel too disheartened's a bit of advice i got from an old man when i had a ton of s..t on my doorstep years ago *when you hit rock bottom there's only route left and thats back up* i'm a survivor and sounds like you are too, hang in there as RD the way looks like i'll be selling the 900 triple , fortunately i'm not too attached to it yet! later on i'll be hunting for a big V maybe a v-max again .
Cheers Billy I'm far from rock bottom - I know that. I'm healthier than I've been in years (and happier!) got a roof over my head, food on the table and a car on the road, a bloody fine man, plus friends and family who care... that's a hell of a lot more than millions of folk out there have! (Plus 2 catties who couldn't care less, so long as there's kit-e-kat in the house)
I hate relying on handouts though... independent bugger that I am!
Most of the time I'm quietly dealing with everything life chucks my way, but every now and then I feel the need to vent my frustration and feel a little sorry for myself *ahem* Normal service will be resumed shortly, after I go hide embarrassed in the corner!
Bummer re: the Triple... hope you get your v-max sorted soon though - both superb bikes
when i was at primary school some teachers treated 'lefties' with scorn an tried to get them to use there right hand[my sister's a leftie]!! and i had a stammer which was treated with equal disdain and one teacher slapped me round the head for not answering fast enough!!''c'mon spit it out boy!!''
My Dad was regularly beaten for daring to write using his left hand... so positively encouraged my sister & I when we both gravitated towards leftiness... Mum was less than impressed though
Anyway, the jeans and boots are still up for grabs - totally forgot about this thread And totally forgot to take them with me the last couple of times the stall was out. Ooops! If no interest here, I'll take them to the next couple of shows, or out them on fleabay sometime.
Had the same problems at school Tango, found i was ambidextrous for eveything but writing and it's brilliant ,would't have any otherway now, makes it much easer when using tools