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General Chat/Anything Goes

Mega Mileages

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Mega Mileages

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Even though i've been ridin for 30 years i don't think i've really done that many miles. Did in the earlier years when in the RAF as it was my only form of transport. For nearly eight years i was in Saudi only got used rarely. My ten years of marriage put the kybosh on it as well. too much DIY. Thats a warning to any bloke on here thinking of tying the knot or shacking up. It will be unhealthy to your biking time! My hips have been the main reason lately why i don't travel far. hopefully now i have two new ones that might change. As for ridin abroad. I never learned another language and don't like shouting at forigners. i couldn't even guess at a mileage It's not why i ride.

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bluesbiker @ 21/09/2009 22:26  

"do u have kids Geoff??" Not any more.

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geoffb2005 @ 21/09/2009 23:30  

where are they then????

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Deleted Member @ 21/09/2009 23:52  

I guess they're still with their Mother.

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geoffb2005 @ 21/09/2009 23:58  

They def are a tie. but in a good way. Sounds like you have a good balance Ian. Im lucky I can sort time to get away and enjoy some miles away in europe. Few more years and will be taking my boy along. As for miles no idea to many to remember but memories are will last a life time

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micksaway @ 22/09/2009 01:25  

When i went to stormin via nottingham I clocked up over 900 miles over the entire weekend..........Mind you living in Aberdeen means that we have to travel hundreds of miles just to get to events.

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Deleted Member @ 22/09/2009 11:04  

"Like your Style Geoff Tis a lucky few that can just drop it all and take off. Great if you can do it." Well, I suppose there was a time Mick, long before I was married etc. But those days are no more. Now, work committments, finances etc get in the way of just "dropping things" and going. But yes, there was a time when I was young and still living at home when I used to keep a bag packed ready to throw on the back of the bike on a Friday evening if the weather was going to be good. Ahh, youth!

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geoffb2005 @ 22/09/2009 15:08  

Youth, i never want that back again, all those responsibilities! lmao

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excalibur @ 22/09/2009 17:39  

I have it the other way Geoff. lot freer now so tend to take off at drop of hat. Problem is my mates work 9 to 5 so cant always get away

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micksaway @ 22/09/2009 23:46  

 Posts: 29       Pages: 2/2

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