Politicians........burn them...burn them all...liars, jobs worth suit wearing thieves who think of money making schemes tax this tax that, fines, more tax more fines...jesus.
I hate to pee on your bonfire but ya need to type a heap more than one sentence, and other stuff besides, to increase your karma rating lol
Isn't that an old idea too, sd,.. the 'SPEED CAMERAS' and the 'fire' bit? But I think I remember there was also a tyre involved in the process somewhere, not sure though!
That's true Paj it is an old idea and some what of a cult in these areas were followers of the faith worship these icons of modern religion by placing the rubber collar of all that is holy and bridgestone around the icon of choice (EVERY AREA HAS ITS OWN PLACE OF WORSHIP AND THE RUBBER OF CHOICE MAY DIFFER) and set a light whilst drinking the holy amber nector.
This is some what a secret society and are all so nocturnal by habit but a few have been seen and caught by ossifer's hick but and this seems to be common in this sect......memory loss.
Then as a nation throw all number plates away. spoken as a nation. I never voted to be F%+= up th ass. Come 2 think of it no one voted 4 brown th buffoon.