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Motorcycle News

Bike Parking Charges to go Ahead

Bike Parking Charges to go Ahead (2) - Forums [Biker Match] Bike Parking Charges to go Ahead (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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Bike Parking Charges to go Ahead

 Posts: 22       Pages: 2/2

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This is annother burocracy balls up then! They say on one hand they are encouraging less polluting ways of getting into Westminster etc, no congestion charge on bikes then they see that they may loose revenue from parking and have to provide more parking for free on bikes "erm nooo we can't afford to pass up the cash cow that motorists are so we'll have to charge for m/c bays" how long before this is rolled out to other cities?????? as you can get upto 8 bikes in the space it takes to accomadate a car shall we guess what they will charge for this smaller bit of space? An 8th??? 6th??? quater??? or half??? I bet it's a lot nearer the full cost of a car maybe not straight away but pretty soon they will argue that because bikers take up more room in town than a car driver I.E. 8 bikes = 8 people minimum where a car is one minimum then they have to pay for more street cleaners to pick up litter E.T.C PMSL!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hull750Rider @ 23/01/2010 14:41  

I seriously hope that the bays where they are charged are covered by 3 cameras a post to lock the bike too and an armed responce unit to deal with all the bike thefts in the smoke!!!!

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Hull750Rider @ 23/01/2010 14:45  

 Posts: 22       Pages: 2/2

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