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Motorcycle Events & Rides Out

7th Feb 2010 ride out

7th Feb 2010 ride out (2) - Forums [Biker Match] 7th Feb 2010 ride out (2) - Forums [Biker Match]
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7th Feb 2010 ride out

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di,,, brekky's always on me,,usually runny egg down me shirt

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Deleted Member @ 02/02/2010 16:37  


12.30 - 1ish it is then I'm starting to think car unless the weather forecast takes a turn for the better though.

If it goes on events it means we can post silly pictures Or even a few sensible ones.

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Wills @ 04/02/2010 08:52  

There's a couple of us will be there if the weathers ok, brekkers at hawes sounds good craig if you fancy meeting up on your way down, let me know

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RustyKnight @ 04/02/2010 09:07  

looking at the weather,its seems it may be no other option then to drive guys,I'll keep an eye on it,cause these are not easy in bad weather on the bike! the meet however will still go ahead,thanks to all

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bikerbitch @ 04/02/2010 12:37  

Are you putting it up on events BB???

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anneka56 @ 04/02/2010 13:51  

Just done it Anneka,thank you I had tried the other day and got lost with adding it,think I've done it now

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bikerbitch @ 06/02/2010 11:41  

Weather forecast pants here for tomorrow and not fancying the car so have a great time everyone

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RustyKnight @ 06/02/2010 13:47  

cheers for weather info terry,,,,,,if raining here in morning then will see you all some other time, if dry-ish i'll be there on bike???

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Deleted Member @ 06/02/2010 14:00  

Weather's brilliant in Liverpool today despite a poor forecast. Said to be cloudy for tomorrow and I'll be there regardless.

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Wills @ 06/02/2010 15:16  

Up to now i'll still be going, i'll be up early doors and weather permitting will be there..... Not bothered if it rains after ive left house, usually does, thats why they invented waterproofs and mine are well worn!!!!! craig.......

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Deleted Member @ 06/02/2010 17:02  

Craig if the weathers ok me and blueboy are planning on leaving Darlo at about 10, heading over to Hawes for a stop off then onto Devils. If you fancy meeting for a brew PM me to swap numbers etc

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RustyKnight @ 06/02/2010 17:24  

pm sent.....cheers

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Deleted Member @ 06/02/2010 18:03  

Fingers crossed we'll see you in the morning for a fry up and a brew

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RustyKnight @ 06/02/2010 18:20  

Doubt I will make it, still got no wiring loom. maybe next time though :)

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ratbirider @ 06/02/2010 18:31  

got up at 7am, bike gear on, bike ready, but will have to give this one a miss unless the weather improves later in morning....(drizzle and dull at moment). Have a good one for those that turn up and catch you all some other time.........craig

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Deleted Member @ 07/02/2010 08:37  

Same here, overcast, wet, miserable. Have a good one all you brave peeps, looks like a days washing and polishing for me

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RustyKnight @ 07/02/2010 08:43  

If it goes on events it means we can post silly pictures Or even a few sensible ones. It wasn't submitted, or rather it didn't come thro after bikerbitch submitted it. I wasn't on line last nite so only got her PM this morning asking if she had entered it correctly. Short notice events don't get added to the calendar, for obvious reasons, it's short notice and most folk either don't make it or aren't aware til it's over. However...if you want a short notice event adding to the calendar so you can take photos and add them later let me know, but if no photos are added the event will be deleted.

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Sandi @ 07/02/2010 10:24  

for once i've made correct decision not to attend today!!!! at my end it is now persisting down !!!!! very very wet craig.......

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Deleted Member @ 07/02/2010 11:00  

Same here craig, when I opened the garage door this morning the bike span round and hid in the corner

Of course if it was down to me I'd be straight out there but I'd hate to force her to do anything against her will so we're stopping in

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RustyKnight @ 07/02/2010 12:08  

The only thing i'll be taking for a spin today is the iron around the ironing board.... A mans work is never done!!!!!

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Deleted Member @ 07/02/2010 13:00  

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