OOOOOO drobbs, can I detect a spoon wizzing round........
No chance of that shamps..... but she might like...
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)...
and on that note I run away.... very fast indeed
O rite like that is it !!!
Craig mind i will be seeing u very soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Drobs , i shall reek my revenge on u at sum other time
Bluey rem i know were u live
AJ nobody invited u lol
and just in case folk are a wee bit unsure
hope that clears it up a wee bit
hope that clears it up a wee bit
Oh yes..... clears up an awful lot including my next plan of action LMAO
I can feel a t-shirt coming on...... now what size t-shirt was it BJ.....
Yeah yeah yeah....... been hearing this for days..... yawns in your general direction while almost falling asleep... do yer worst.... I can take it cuz I'm a Bluenose
Cant be any worse than having to walk round all day in a villa shirt all day....
How kind of you to supply said garment
LMAO at you.... lots
some how I dont think anyone could consider walking round mablethorpe with a monkey on my shoulders as "compromising"
odd maybe, even strange perhaps.....
So i stick my tounge out at you and wait with baited breath....
Can you hear my knees knocking as I tremble with fear.... I dont think so....... it's me clapping... the Bluenose will triumph.....
You may have won a battle but the war has only just begun... PMSL
best you not wear any tassels at this Brum night out......
Drobbs how kind of you...
But I'm thinking of putting a boom box and cd player in the boot and have it on repeat.......
I've clearly got too much time on my hands because I'm designing a "BJ LUVS ABBA AND TAKE THAT" t-shirt...... and whats better she knows I can.........
Drobbs you are my new best friend.... how many sugars in your tea ???