Mobiles you loose, replace, plastic will melt even laminate gets knackered after a while so 2 options
1. Fire proof data stick stainless steel outer etc, seen em on line somewhere, can hol eons of info. Including workshop manuals for touring etc
2. Why not do a ID disc sort of thing same as we use in the forces its stainless steel, you can use the same as a dog tag with general info stamped...its bomb proof and fire proof...tried and tested, keep one in your boot and one around neck or in wallet or some such place.......
core blimey well if its an inferno then weve hadit anyway tato it across your fore head oh forgot cant take helmet off might have a broken neck
what about on the left buttock just make sure you got clean pants on erh ?
its actually recognised around Europe now, and I've had an ICE contact in my phone for years now. I would indeed check this on someone's phone if necessary also.
lol @ Nealy and Johnny
jb wrote: keep one in your boot and one around neck or in wallet or
some such place.......
ok...... how about I attach one to my big toe to save the mortuary technicians......... ?!!
seriously, cheers for this idea, with all I take it's a sound idea
i'm pretty sure the doctor will have been called..
i'm sure it's just so they can let family or others that may care about your well-being what is happening VFR